Cumberland sheriff announcement had no public safety value, may have caused harm

In Fayetteville last week, what could and should have been a warm, human-interest story about homelessness was re-shaped by law enforcement into something entirely different.

The real story is about those who take very literally the Biblical admonitions to serve the least of those in society, to help our neighbors and to do unto others as we would want done to us. Additionally, the members of Fayetteville Urban Ministry who visit and take food and other essentials to the men living in tents along Martin Luther King Freeway and Gillespie Street Bridge in Fayetteville are training their children in selfless service to others.

The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office, however, saw something different. They shifted the focus away from the real story and turned it into a “public service announcement.”


4 thoughts on “Cumberland sheriff announcement had no public safety value, may have caused harm

  • July 29, 2022

    This sheriff is an example of those who get authority and do not know how to use it. Rather than use facts and common sense, he chose to pull a story ‘out of his backside’ in order to get attention on himself and what a great, caring person he is. History is full of these types of people. Next he is going to want a statue of himself for the town square. In that case, may the pigeons ‘poop’ all over him so he can get his just reward.

  • July 29, 2022

    Congrats to Sandy & NARSOL for (again) getting the truth out in the media!

  • July 29, 2022

    Another case of lets not cloud this issue with empirical data or proven facts. I do like how the story was written to show the homelessness was caused by restrictions that by themselves do nothing to help and only cause harm. The Sheriff took the stance of … Oh look.. publicity… I need some of that…

  • July 30, 2022

    This is the very same sentiment and actions (The sheriff’s, not the article’s author) that we’ll face at the Brevard County Commission meeting Tuesday. The Justice Department study has been brought up before the Commissioners at previous meetings and was dismissed out of hand by all the Commissioners except Commissioner Smith, leaving because of term limits, and Commissioner Lober, who resigned. I can’t attend because of family health issues but wish I could. I hope all the best to those who are going to speak. You know what to expect ahead of time and I know will be prepared. I will be watching on the Brevard County Commission streaming broadcast.


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