CTMirror calls out Patch

CTMirror is correct in calling out Patch.com for its Halloween fear-mongering practice of printing personal information for people who have a past sex offense.  Patch.com never publishes such information for released murders, armed robbers, etc.

CTMirror tells it like it is:  “…the public mapping of sex offenders in this way not only fails to serve any salutary purpose but also is a callous and cruel exercise of the power of the press…If it does not make children safer – and it is proved by empirical evidence that it does not – then its only function is to add a unique layer of punishment upon those already adjudicated and severely penalized. It is a desecration of the human person.”

Patch does now share a link to the 2020 NARSOL letter but falsely promotes NARSOL as advocating for sex offenders, as though NARSOL is defending the acts committed by anyone on the registry.  Patch needs to read NARSOL’s mission statement.


7 thoughts on “CTMirror calls out Patch

  • October 24, 2021

    “ It is a desecration of the human person.”

    Wow, what a powerful and accurate statement.

  • October 24, 2021

    This naming and shaing is, indeed, a “desecration of the human person”. It is also one of the definitions of insanity: to keep doing the same thing, even though no useful result is acheived.

  • October 24, 2021

    Patch is just another element like politicians and most public web sights that make money by sensationalizing and stirring up fear and hatred for something or a group. The don’t rely on facts but fear. Like all the false information about the virus vaccines. If it weren’t for all the false information we could be done with the virus by now like some countries. But because of false information a large number of the population is afraid to get vaccines so the virus continues to be a problem.
    Because of false information about those on the registry, discrimination, violence, homelessness, and pain continues for this segment of the population along with there families and those who understand there dilemma and try to help.

  • October 24, 2021

    Cruel punishment from the harm they cause and unusual punishment since Nazi Germany was the last to use it.

  • October 24, 2021

    This actually gives me hope! That they would speak so clearly and compellingly about the grave harm that comes from being a PFR is perhaps a real sign of change in attitudes on the part of informed elites.

    Let’s hope that is is.


    • October 25, 2021


  • October 25, 2021

    Of course Patch is purposely being intellectually dishonest by painting anti-registry activists as “pedo coddlers” because that renders them immune from public outrage. The media is supposed to be neutral on social issues like LGBT, immigration, abortion and such, but they’re obviously pushing a pro-registry narrative because the outrage bait drives up their ratings and advertising numbers.

    I’ve never seen something so screwed up in my life. Everyone is exploiting unwarranted fear for profit off this registry nonsense because there’s a lot of easy money to be made from going after the lowest hanging fruit.


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