Court challenge in Florida concerning branding driver license with SEXUAL PREDATOR

Attorneys Dante P. Trevisani and Ray Taseff with the Florida Justice Institute have filed an injunctive and declaratory relief request for plaintiff who is being forced to acquire and display a driver license that brands him as SEXUAL PREDATOR and broadcasts the government’s message that he is a danger to the public.

The Florida statute that requires the branding of Plaintiff’s driver license is unconstitutional, both on its face and as applied to Plaintiff, because it compels Plaintiff, and all registered sexual predators, to engage in speech and communicate the government’s message, in violation of the First Amendment.

Thank you, Florida Justice Institute, along with attorneys Trevisani and Taseff, for fighting for our relief from such an injustice.

See the attached Court Document for details.

54 thoughts on “Court challenge in Florida concerning branding driver license with SEXUAL PREDATOR

  • November 13, 2023

    Awesome! Thank you to the defendant stepping up. Thank you to the attorneys. A reminder…DONATE! Even $5 makes a difference. FAC we appreciate all you do!

  • November 13, 2023

    I am glad to see someone fighting against this unconstitutionality.
    Branding driver licenses is reminiscent of the disgusting Nazi insignia that were used both inside and outside of concentration camps and ghettoes.

    • Criminals: green inverted triangles
    • Political prisoners red inverted triangles
    • “asocials” (including Roma, nonconformists, vagrants, and other groups) with black or—in the case of Roma in some camps—brown triangles.
    • Gay men and men accused of homosexuality were identified with pink triangles.
    • Jehovah’s Witnesses were identified with purple triangles.
    • The Nazis required Jews to wear the yellow Star of David.

    The Nazi government stirred up hatred against segments of its own citizens. It used propaganda to stir up violent mobs against these ones. And it succeeded.

    And the government of Florida has chosen to follow that example of sponsoring and fomenting hatred against a portion of its own Florida citizens.

    Florida is intentionally trying to stir up violent mobs by doxxing, intimidation, kangaroo – prosecutions, publishing a blacklist and using perjorative, subhuman terms (like “predator”).

    This government ID branding is only one single symptom of a government-sponsored pogrom of hatred against its own citizens!

    • November 13, 2023

      My Grandmother was Cherokee and my grandfather was German. Has joined the U.S army in WWII and fought against his own former country. LOL
      I don’t think he ever shot anyone as he was a border guard but he was sickened over the Nazis taking over what was a beautiful country. I have been to Germany in the past with family and we visited one of the still standing concentration camps. Anyone with a conscience will come out of there in tears.

    • November 14, 2023

      Well said! Your comment needs to be sent to every politician, just in case there are any with a conscience.

      • November 14, 2023

        David, Please send my comments to a few, if you can. (We must ALL speak up!)

  • November 13, 2023

    Maybe this will end all markings on DLs in the state

    • November 13, 2023

      It is all one step at a time.

      • November 13, 2023

        I cannot even find a new doctor. Somehow someone on their staff knows what the statue is or they look up my name. I did nothing wrong but after a few visits, I am always told I am no longer a patient.
        This has happened with at least 3 different doctors. I haven’t heard from my heart doctor in 3 years. Supposed to see him twice a year. Last time I saw him, he wouldn’t even look me in the eye and charged my insurance for tests he never did.

        • November 14, 2023

          @Cherokeejack. I hope you find a hospital and doctor that will treat you. My heart doctor always treated me with respect. I just didn’t trust the CT scan results after the shrink included my status on the patent record. Before and after I saw the shrink the results changed. After, it was like I was completely healed. Miracle of miracles. So I stopped going. I eat like I should, stay away from caffeine, and always remember, the registry is not punishment, the register is not punishment, the registry is not . . .

          • November 29, 2023

            That reminds me of The Wizard of Oz “There’s no place like home” which I repeated every day I woke up in custody. I sometimes lose sight of reality of how good it feels to be off probation, but then I remember being on the registry is as close as you can get to being on the probation without actually being on it.
            I once made a post on FAC comparing probation requirements to the registry and it was about a 75% match. At least probation generally treats most people the same whereas the registry targets just a small group in a different way than any other crime. For example, most former murderers, other than having a record, are pretty much left alone unless they commit another crime or are suspected of doing so.
            With being on the registry for life, we have no goals or ability to show improvement or be able to better our or our families lives. And when we report to law enforcement that our families are being targeted as well, they blame us and tell us if you are that concerned, to move away from your family and let them move on with their lives without us.

        • November 14, 2023

          I Lucked out with a great family Doctor who told me she will always help me with medical issues. I also have the benefit of the VA where I get all of my medical, medications, and dental taken care of.

          I live in Michigan where our drivers licenses are not marked nor are our license plates. I check in with the State Police, they have always been courteous.

          Florida is one of the greatest mistakes I have made. I came down to Florida years ago with my wife for a 2 week vacation and to visit her relatives. I did not know the consequences of registering in Florida.
          One of my greatest mistakes. Now even when I get off the registry in Michigan I am screwed for life in Florida.

  • November 13, 2023

    It is refreshing to see other pick up the cause for freedom and justice. Thank you FAC for spot-lighting such events!

  • November 13, 2023

    Now to remove the 943.0435 FS…

  • November 13, 2023

    Too bad they did not include the sex offender “red statute” number as well.


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