Court challenge in Florida concerning branding driver license with SEXUAL PREDATOR

Attorneys Dante P. Trevisani and Ray Taseff with the Florida Justice Institute have filed an injunctive and declaratory relief request for plaintiff who is being forced to acquire and display a driver license that brands him as SEXUAL PREDATOR and broadcasts the government’s message that he is a danger to the public.

The Florida statute that requires the branding of Plaintiff’s driver license is unconstitutional, both on its face and as applied to Plaintiff, because it compels Plaintiff, and all registered sexual predators, to engage in speech and communicate the government’s message, in violation of the First Amendment.

Thank you, Florida Justice Institute, along with attorneys Trevisani and Taseff, for fighting for our relief from such an injustice.

See the attached Court Document for details.

54 thoughts on “Court challenge in Florida concerning branding driver license with SEXUAL PREDATOR

  • November 13, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    Too bad they did not include the sex offender “red statute” number as well.

  • November 13, 2023 at 2:36 pm

    Now to remove the 943.0435 FS…

  • November 13, 2023 at 2:37 pm

    It is refreshing to see other pick up the cause for freedom and justice. Thank you FAC for spot-lighting such events!

  • November 13, 2023 at 3:12 pm

    Maybe this will end all markings on DLs in the state

    • November 13, 2023 at 6:19 pm

      It is all one step at a time.

      • November 13, 2023 at 8:12 pm

        I cannot even find a new doctor. Somehow someone on their staff knows what the statue is or they look up my name. I did nothing wrong but after a few visits, I am always told I am no longer a patient.
        This has happened with at least 3 different doctors. I haven’t heard from my heart doctor in 3 years. Supposed to see him twice a year. Last time I saw him, he wouldn’t even look me in the eye and charged my insurance for tests he never did.

        • November 14, 2023 at 7:19 pm

          @Cherokeejack. I hope you find a hospital and doctor that will treat you. My heart doctor always treated me with respect. I just didn’t trust the CT scan results after the shrink included my status on the patent record. Before and after I saw the shrink the results changed. After, it was like I was completely healed. Miracle of miracles. So I stopped going. I eat like I should, stay away from caffeine, and always remember, the registry is not punishment, the register is not punishment, the registry is not . . .

          • November 29, 2023 at 7:15 am

            That reminds me of The Wizard of Oz “There’s no place like home” which I repeated every day I woke up in custody. I sometimes lose sight of reality of how good it feels to be off probation, but then I remember being on the registry is as close as you can get to being on the probation without actually being on it.
            I once made a post on FAC comparing probation requirements to the registry and it was about a 75% match. At least probation generally treats most people the same whereas the registry targets just a small group in a different way than any other crime. For example, most former murderers, other than having a record, are pretty much left alone unless they commit another crime or are suspected of doing so.
            With being on the registry for life, we have no goals or ability to show improvement or be able to better our or our families lives. And when we report to law enforcement that our families are being targeted as well, they blame us and tell us if you are that concerned, to move away from your family and let them move on with their lives without us.

        • November 14, 2023 at 7:51 pm

          I Lucked out with a great family Doctor who told me she will always help me with medical issues. I also have the benefit of the VA where I get all of my medical, medications, and dental taken care of.

          I live in Michigan where our drivers licenses are not marked nor are our license plates. I check in with the State Police, they have always been courteous.

          Florida is one of the greatest mistakes I have made. I came down to Florida years ago with my wife for a 2 week vacation and to visit her relatives. I did not know the consequences of registering in Florida.
          One of my greatest mistakes. Now even when I get off the registry in Michigan I am screwed for life in Florida.

  • November 13, 2023 at 3:35 pm

    I am glad to see someone fighting against this unconstitutionality.
    Branding driver licenses is reminiscent of the disgusting Nazi insignia that were used both inside and outside of concentration camps and ghettoes.

    • Criminals: green inverted triangles
    • Political prisoners red inverted triangles
    • “asocials” (including Roma, nonconformists, vagrants, and other groups) with black or—in the case of Roma in some camps—brown triangles.
    • Gay men and men accused of homosexuality were identified with pink triangles.
    • Jehovah’s Witnesses were identified with purple triangles.
    • The Nazis required Jews to wear the yellow Star of David.

    The Nazi government stirred up hatred against segments of its own citizens. It used propaganda to stir up violent mobs against these ones. And it succeeded.

    And the government of Florida has chosen to follow that example of sponsoring and fomenting hatred against a portion of its own Florida citizens.

    Florida is intentionally trying to stir up violent mobs by doxxing, intimidation, kangaroo – prosecutions, publishing a blacklist and using perjorative, subhuman terms (like “predator”).

    This government ID branding is only one single symptom of a government-sponsored pogrom of hatred against its own citizens!

    • November 13, 2023 at 8:19 pm

      My Grandmother was Cherokee and my grandfather was German. Has joined the U.S army in WWII and fought against his own former country. LOL
      I don’t think he ever shot anyone as he was a border guard but he was sickened over the Nazis taking over what was a beautiful country. I have been to Germany in the past with family and we visited one of the still standing concentration camps. Anyone with a conscience will come out of there in tears.

    • November 14, 2023 at 9:14 am

      Well said! Your comment needs to be sent to every politician, just in case there are any with a conscience.

      • November 14, 2023 at 12:02 pm

        David, Please send my comments to a few, if you can. (We must ALL speak up!)

  • November 13, 2023 at 3:47 pm

    Awesome! Thank you to the defendant stepping up. Thank you to the attorneys. A reminder…DONATE! Even $5 makes a difference. FAC we appreciate all you do!

  • November 13, 2023 at 4:08 pm

    I have been saying all along that for those who have that designation on their license/I.D, it is compelled speech. And many of those who have that are no longer on probation but have to face anything from embarrassment, to possible even being killed (As we have seen on FAC of a few that have been murdered.
    If you get pulled over by law enforcement for a traffic infraction, you are many times more likely to get a ticket than if you did not have that on your license.
    Kudos to those going to battle over this insanity.

  • November 13, 2023 at 7:29 pm

    Florida State Senator Lauren Book Proposes Special Fluorescent Green License Plates for Spouses and Children of Persons Required to Register as Sex Offenders

    Talk about being put in danger!

    • November 13, 2023 at 8:07 pm


      At some point, someone on the registry is going to protect their families and snap. I am about at that point myself. How many people’s windows have been broken, cars scratched, their kids cannot play with the neighbor’s kids and are bullied at school making them have no friends. But none of this is punishment, not even to our loved ones?????????
      Then they laugh at those who are beaten up or even killed, even though they had not connection to that person other than they do not like you living around them. Who is really the mentally sick one? This is why tell everyone please get cameras on your house. We have them and it helped when some kids denied throwing rocks at our house. I showed the officer’s the video and that was shown to their parents. Those kids are now banned from out street (by their parents after being caught in a lie), they didn’t even live on our street.

      • November 14, 2023 at 12:16 am

        Cherokee jack, I bought cameras and placed 6 of them outside all pointing at each other, so that I can see arrivals and departures so that one camera protects the other.
        I did this shortly after I returned home from prison because the local Sheriff’s office made sure that my neighbors know what one of there fellow citizens was locked up for. Oh, and I was threatened with a shot to the head. Nice.

        • November 14, 2023 at 7:56 am

          Great. Although they are not unbeatable. A black car with tinted windows drives by and shoots out your windows and no tag visible, not much police can do. AND, now, law enforcement in my area is still using covid as an excuse to make everything an online report unless, 1) there are physical injuries or 2) you have 100% proof of who the suspects are either by name, address or license plates.
          And as former law enforcement, license plates do not prove who committed the crime. The car could be stolen, the plate could be stolen, a family member could have taken their car or just everyone in the car states “I didn’t do nuffin”.
          No witnesses means no arrests and many cover their faces anyway. In my instance, the kids stood 5 feet from the camera and threw the rocks at windows, doors and roof. AND, the rocks I gathered as evidence matched to the exact rock type that was used for their driveway.
          I did not press charges and law enforcement stated to me the Mom said their kids were banned from coming on my street ever again for eternity and beyond.

    • November 13, 2023 at 8:35 pm

      Again?! I thought that this issue died in the last legislature?

      • November 14, 2023 at 8:39 am


        Either he was just bringing it up again as an example, or she is trying to sneak it in again. Either way, until people like her are out of office, we will be burdened with constant attacks.

        I do not know how many people harmed her, but I didn’t do anything to her. If my house was broken into, I would not called for all burglars to be sent to prison for life, I would go to court and deal with the person or persons who robbed ME.

        Yes, I understand causes and bringing change, but every-single-case is different. The person that raped a 3 year old child and someone who looked at a couple of images on the computer and two different cases. And yet, those who actually had sex, sometimes got less time than some on here who just looked at porn or got caught in a sting where their victim was a group of cops pretending to be a 15 year old girl/boy.

        • November 14, 2023 at 12:35 pm

          I was looking to see if she resurrected this heinous piece of legislation. I can’t find anything but the information from the last session. I got worried that she was going to push for it again.

    • November 14, 2023 at 9:24 am

      Lauren Book ought to propose special color for accused DWI driver to include her corrupted father

      • November 14, 2023 at 4:06 pm


        The difference is when they commit a crime, it is “Just a one off slip-up” according to them and their lawyers. When we do anything, like forget to registry an ancient email address we forgot about, we could technically end up back in prison.

  • November 13, 2023 at 9:35 pm

    @Cherokeejack. Had a similar issue happen. Went to an emergency room for heaches and chest pain. The neurologist hugged me. I was overaught with emotion. Most ppl don’t hug me any longer, let alone doctors. She said well run some test here, but you’ll need to follow up with me right away. Found out, a shrink associated with that hospital, had my registered status to be included on my patient info for all medical staff to be made aware. I could tell when she returned, she was aware. Her demeanor changed drastically too cold. Professional, but the carrying was gone. When I tried to schedule, after a hold, the soonest appt was 9 months out. Their oath means nothing when it comes to the registry. I feel the pain. Don’t think the monitor would allow the Michigan hospital by name so I won’t mention it. But the hospital has the same name as my car. Haters are in every profession, every state. Sadly reading here, more in Florida.

    • November 14, 2023 at 8:30 am

      AND, doctors are held to an oath to treat people with respect and do their best to keep that patient alive and healthy, regardless if they are a mass murderer or the President of the country. I found out recently that notifications are somehow making their way into medical records.
      I had a bad accident many years back and a lawyer took my case. After not hearing from him after a year and every time I would call, they would say “It takes time” eventually the lawyer called me back and chewed me out and said “Why didn’t you tell me you are a sex offender?”
      I said to him “first off, I am an EX offender” and secondly, “What the HELL does that have to do with you doing your duty to the law and representation of your client?”

    • November 14, 2023 at 11:53 am


      Oh by the way, Virtual hugs your way.
      I am a hugger; however, I “ALWAYS” ask first because I do not want to get another charge or get my teeth knocked out lol
      That is one of the things I like about many churches, hugs flow freely without condemnation.

      • November 14, 2023 at 12:45 pm

        Thanks Cherokeejack. Nice to feel the humanity again, be it virtual. This and another forum offer insights, current info, hope, and sometimes the grit to not wince at ppls remarks. I can’t discuss the registry with anyone. I always seemed to get slammed. Don’t like to say to much to my wife of 35 years either. Even she will get rightfully pissed. Bearing the weight of our charge should be a personal thing, not public. But that’s where it should end. I imagine if the registry is every eliminated, forms like this could morph into support only instead of legal issues help.

  • November 13, 2023 at 10:01 pm

    So what about the whole two page branding placed on passports and the nasty little email they send to the destination country you fly to after you are in flight? When will that become an issue? I remember watching the government thugs toss my 5ft4inch wife all over the ground while feeding me carpet at the airport in Detroit while they destroyed her legal identifications,passports and paperwork because of my registration status from 30 years ago.Six of the government scum stole everything she owned,stole our money,stole her jewelry..everuthing.and laughed while they did it..My wife is a legal professor and a highly respected Judge in excuse for those scums behavior.took them to court and just like Epstein they “mysteriously lost all the camera videos”..They crossed the line abusing my family,I’ll never forgive and God help them if I ever get an opportunity to return their behavior back to rhem..The US government is just Nazi Germany by a new name…We never won that war, we only changed where they ruled..Was Nazi Germany now it’s Nazi America….more power,more money more evil…

    • November 14, 2023 at 8:21 am


      That happened to me as well but I was alone. They trashed my luggage, broke and stole, confiscated things and held me to make me lose my flight. Took me 8 hours extra to get a flight home. At first airlines said I had to pay extra and I fought that until they were able to get me on a flight with open seats.

      Another time I was with family and they of course were much more careful because they were witnesses. But out of the 7 times I left the country, 4 of them was a nightmare. ALL coming back to the U.S. Out of the 7 countries I visited, not once was I questioned or detained when arriving or leaving foreign countries, nor was any of my luggage searched.

      I did not renew my passport for two reasons. #1 I haven’t worked in over 10 years now and #2, the changes they made to travel and not knowing if you will be turned away (At the request of the U.S) It seems to be a game played to cause us hard aches.

      • November 14, 2023 at 11:40 am

        Yea,sorry to hear that. Same for me. Every travel back to the US is a new violation and experience with grand theft government….it’s only gotten worse.some country’s in Asia including the Philippines have bragged about the US paying them [citation needed] to toss any on the registry out..I actually got to see the email they send including where they tell the country receiving it that it’s not allowed to show it to’s a real doozy of a libal and slander propoganda hit piece to make anyone look like a monster and to shade away from the truth as much as possible.. the government says I broke the law and I had to pay..well so when does the government have to pay? I’ve only broken one law they never stop breaking laws…

    • November 14, 2023 at 9:15 am

      Happened to me and my significant other as well, minus the roughing up.

      Rep. Chris Smith NJ and Obama are personally to blame for international, travel, saga, angel watch and the allowance of agents to mistrest our families.

      I do hope that everyone has a very long memory. Chris Smith is a notch above Lauren Book.

      [moderator’s note: This appears to refer to International Megan’s Law, which was passed by the US House of Representatives by unanimous voice vote and the US Senate by unanimous consent]

      • November 14, 2023 at 11:53 am

        Just read the moderators know what I’d like to see congress and the house pass by unanimous vote? To show the American people Epsteins flight list and Maxwells client list.. or maybe all the members of government that used tax payers dollars to pay off their sex crimes and what each sex crimes they paid off was…. Now that would be something registry worthy!!

  • November 13, 2023 at 10:37 pm

    I don’t have that problem here in Michigan. I feel bad for people in Florida. No offense, by I would never visit let alone live there. If I had to have that word on my license, I would just not have a license and travel in my car anyway since I’m not driving because I’m not a driver. I’m 54 now and I have not had a licence since my late 20’s and never will have one. Good luck everyone.

    • November 14, 2023 at 8:04 am

      The only reason I stay in Florida is to take care of my elderly parents. They supported me all the way through prison and came often to visit me. It was sad on visitation day when there were inmates who week after week never got a visit from anyone.

      It could be a burden for the family member to drive that far or not have money or transportation. Maybe they live in another state, maybe all their family has passed away or sometimes the family wants nothing to do with them, especially if they keep going to prison and not learning their lesson.

      The key to all of this for any incarceration is Faith, family and friends. (I could add for some Funding doesn’t hurt either)

    • November 14, 2023 at 9:23 am

      You are required to have either a State Issued ID or Driver’s License. Failure to do so is also a felony for a registered person.

      Both state issued id and driver’s license broadcast the same message (statute) and contain a hologram identification marker.

  • November 14, 2023 at 12:16 am

    I sent this to, Fort Myers.
    I just saw a teaser for a story that will air tomorrow.
    It used the term “predator”. This dehumanizes humans!
    This what Donald Trump is doing right now. This is what the fascist leaders (Hitler, Mussonlini, Pol Pot, Putin, others) of the 20th century did. Trump is using the term “vermin” to describe people.
    Hitler used (among others) “race-tuberculosis of the peoples” to describe Jews. Mussolini used similar language to normalize violence.
    Psychologists warn us that using dehumanizing terms for human beings foments violence. It tends to make us see them as less than human.
    The state of Florida uses thatdehumanizing language on driver licenses, though it is unconstitutional!
    Branding driver licenses is reminiscent of Nazi insignia.
    • Criminals: green triangles
    • Political prisoners red triangles
    • “asocials” black or brown triangles.
    • Gays – pink triangles.
    • Jehovah’s Witnesses purple triangles.
    • The Nazis with the yellow Star of David.

    The Nazi government stirred up hatred against its own citizens. It used propaganda to stir up mobs. And it succeeded.

    And the government of Florida has chosen to follow that example of sponsoring and fomenting hatred against a portion of its own Florida citizens.
    Florida is intentionally trying to stir up violent mobs by doxxing, intimidation, kangaroo-prosecutions, publishing a blacklist and using perjorative, subhuman terms (like “predator”).
    This government ID branding is only one single symptom of a government-sponsored pogrom of hatred against its own citizens! (The US government also has blood on their hands!)

    You are a media outlet, and as such, you bear a distinct responsibility to defend the rule of law and to eschew mob violence. Please use more responsible language in future.
    As a person forced to register on the sex offence registry, also as a US citizen, and as a Florida citizen and a human being (!) I thank you, kindly.

    • November 14, 2023 at 7:46 am


      1) The Jews were gathered up, arrested and many killed. Property seized.
      2) The native Americans were gathered up, arrested, and many killed. Land seized
      3) Anyone with a sex crime (in some cases even retroactively) were forced to register for life with numerous add on stipulations each and every year since. Probation like requirements that courts mostly deny are punishment. Many over the course of years killed/died due to attacks or lack of medical care due to being a registrant.

      Bottom line, we DO NOT, learn from history, and yes, it does seem to repeat itself, just in different forms. Most of us have done our time and there was no registry when we were sentenced. Where was our day in court to get a better deal or reduced sentence? I call foul and playing dirty but expect nothing less from a corrupt government and unsympathetic courts.

      Heck even some lawyers now won’t even touch a sex crime case because they know the odds are against them.

      *Some of this is fact and some my opinion that I believe to be facts. Feel free to correct or add to my post.

      • November 28, 2023 at 8:09 pm

        Said it well..

    • November 14, 2023 at 10:28 am

      And don’t think for one second that another Holocaust will never happen. Don’t get too confident in thinking it will never happen to us. That’s what the Hews thought as the box car was slammed in the face.

      If Trump – or another politician – put out a campaign promise directive to eliminate “the threat” against our children if elected, things will hit the point of no return. No longer will it be “slaves, obey your masters” it will be “this way to the concentration camps.”

  • November 14, 2023 at 5:12 am

    Let’s not forget that the hologram on every Florida registered person DL/ ID includes the letters S O or S P, along with the statute.

    The letters can be found inside the state of Florida on Front Left .

    This is absolutely disgusting and compelled speach.

    • November 14, 2023 at 9:05 am

      I was thinking that as well. It would be nice to know the opinions on that from the attorneys. That is no different than having the words spelled out it would seem to me.

  • November 14, 2023 at 11:21 am

    This is so wrong, especially given the fact that there are so many people on the registry that never even caused any harm to anybody or would have ever. This love-hate relationship our country has with sex needs to stop. Our country as a whole clearly has a very unhealthy view about sex.

    Please check out this YouTube video where this victim of a fake child predator sting operation explains how law enforcement created this fake crime against him:

    Please share it with others.

    • November 14, 2023 at 1:55 pm

      Great video! I had a contact offense, not a sting. I’ve heard stories similar to these. Sometimes it’s a twisting of the situation, sometimes the victim (the entrapped person) capitulates and agrees or does something they definitely shouldn’t have, but in most if not all the sting cases nobody was looking for someone underage. They’re on an adult site talking to other adults and then one cop shows up to entice and create a crime. It’s awful on its own but even worse that it’s a profit-driven industry where cops are seeking huge overtime and departments getting big Federal funds to do it all.

      • November 14, 2023 at 4:01 pm

        And when law enforcement goes beyond legal standards to the point of entrapment, the judges become like an ostrich and bury their heads in the sand. “Nothing to see here folks, just a sex offender getting what they deserve” is a fitting motto for them.

        I often thought about when certain races are beaten by the police, then everyone starts filming. If they saw us getting beaten they would film and the officers would say “This guy is a sex offender” and all of a sudden everyone might suddenly leave or stay and film and egg the cops on to continue beating us. (My view of how we get treated often)

  • November 15, 2023 at 8:53 pm

    Had to renew my DL about 8 months ago. I didn’t notice until about two weeks ago that my new license has a hologram in the bottom left corner of the shape of Florida with SO inside the peninsula. How did they sneak this one in?

    • November 16, 2023 at 8:18 am


      To me the S.O on the license stands for “Suffering Oppression”.


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