Congress considers making AI produced porn a federal crime and would allow victims to sue offenders
Congressman Joe Morelle, D-NY, has introduced a bill that would make the creation and dissemination of AI produced porn a federal crime. This is often called deep fake porn because it uses computer technology to blend the face of a real person onto the image of someone else’s nude body.
AI has advanced this ability with new technology that even provides a “clothing removal” feature.
Morelle said in his press release, “The legislation both makes the sharing of these images a criminal offense and creates a right of private action for victims to seek relief – serving as a powerful deterrent.”
HR3106 is entitled “The Preventing of Deepfake Intimate Images Act.” It engenders tremendous sympathy for the victims. The fact that these images continue to become easier to produce, not harder, is troublesome.
The law may favor interested parties more than prevent victimization or criminal acts which is a legitimate public policy concern. Being effective only after a victim exists is not adequate. Focus should be on prevention and safety.
The people who create these laws are deathly afraid of (Cue the reverb and timpanis) ……….THE FUTURE (!!!)
Look, we know, by common sense and experience, that 20 years from now everyone will have done this to a friend or relative (like a brother, for instance).
But people will be so used to it, they will immediately recognize it for what it is – a clever fake.
They will say, “Joe would never pose like that, and so what if he did? We all got pretty drunk at that party! Hahaha!!”
And Joe will laugh and say, “Wow! I didn’t know I was so well endowed!! Haha!”
It will simply be harmless fun – something people do to tease each other.
IN THE (cue the reverb and timpanis) …….. FUTURE WO-O-O-O-RLD!!!!!
So….the victim is AI produced?
I’ve been programming since 1980 an coding for the internet since 1995. I’ve said it many times that people need to steer clear of any form of pornography or file sharing on the internet cause it will get you into trouble one way or another. Even if they are 17 your screwed cause they still call that child pornography an they now make you out as being a pedophile. I watch over and over these busts of entrapment’s for years of people looking to get with a kid for sex in chat groups an dating sites. They prey on people looking to bust anyone they can and have tools built into these sites to send them red flags the average person doesn’t know about or see on the backend. How many did they just arrest 130+ lucky there was no registrants in this pile cause they would get publicly crucified. They don’t want to stop their money machine so why put millions into funding something that would stop this. 30 years of Megans Law has not stopped it one bit but they just keep making more new laws an what will be attached to this next Federal law that creates punishment on us. I didn’t kill Megan but I’m getting real tired of being punished for someone else’s crime.
Jesus these people are unreal. Next will be like the minority report movie. Can’t have people fantasizing such things in their minds. Unreal distopian world we are becoming, it’s fake people. If you don’t want your face used for anything, don’t put it out there! Quite honestly I would find it flattering, because I am not some angelic looking human by any means, be nice to see myself as an imaginary sex idol.
This bill is not about AI per se. It is about consent. You can still consent to the use of your image in AI.
I thought non-consensual images of this nature already were illegal, but if not, this bill will help clarify. We can read the bill text before forming an opinion:
I agree with this; however, they don’t even go after those who create regular cp even now! What’s to say they’ll do the same with this law. They only go after those who “view or posses” the cp – and now future AI porn – and more or less leave the “creators” alone. When they start going after the creators then laws like this make sense – and that includes normal cp. So pass the law but enforce it to all aspects of the issue at hand, please.
The crime referred to above carries a Federal mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years, up to 30 years per count.
That is because child porn viewers are low-hanging fruit. It is very difficult to trace a photo back to the source once it is on the internet. So producers are often found by accident or in conjunction with peer-to-peer transactions.