Comments Needed: Support City Walk
City Walk Urban Mission has taken A LOT of heat for providing shelter to ALL people in need, INCLUDING people forced to register as sex offenders.
Another opinion piece was put out in the Tallahassee Democrat by an individual who isn’t happy with the kind, compassionate and important work City Walk does (or, more specifically, that they don’t kick out a population that’s undesireable to the writer).
If you support the work of City Walk and think EVERYONE deserves shelter and basic human needs. Please share your comments to this article.
City Walk and other organizations that don’t discriminate against registrants need to be supported and commended for the doing the right thing. People in need deserve basic needs instead of being forced to live under a bridge. Bridges are for trolls and no place for a human being to call home.
City Walk is to be commended for not discriminating against those on the registry. The common misconception that registrants reoffend is completely misguided. This has been shown repeatedly in the research. To ask City Walk to abandon people to the streets because of a designation that only speaks of past behavior is to go back to the vestiges of race-based prejudice. People can and do change, and to assume they cannot and do not is prejudice of the worst sort.
I missed this earlier, but this is a time when even a small public protest would be helpful to call attention to this NIMBY. If I had the time and money, I would come down and protest this Karen right in front of her realty business. I could even wear my Shut Up Karen shirt.
Registrants have human rights too! Hate the sin not the sinner! Pretty sad it’s ok to house a drug dealer but no registrants? Doesn’t make sense to me whatsoever.
I love what the City Walk Urban Mission is doing. They are helping the people who need the help the most…including people required to register! None of us are perfect…every single one of us have made mistakes that, if we were caught, could have changed our lives dramatically. We need to have some compassion for people who have made bad choices. They are NOT bad people. In fact, the ones I have met are some of the most caring and kind people I have ever met! They would give their last $5 and the shirt off their back to help someone in need. Americans claim to be nonjudgemental people who give second chances when, in fact, we are so far from that!
Hate the sin, not the sinner. Don’t out stumble ng blocks in the path of someone bettering themselves. Judgement us returned 3 fold. Everything gets stripped away with the registry. Hope, hugs, opportunities, trust, rights most possess. Registrants are denied so much, that the only way the haters will be happy is for registrants to meet oblivion. Humans need survival. In as much as the hater won’t admit, we ARE human.