ClearMyCase: a warning to registrants

Sex Offender Registry News

Although FAC has not been served yet, we have been made aware that has sued us for defamation.

While it’s generally not advisable to comment on pending litigation, we wanted to keep our members informed, especially in light of yesterday’s article in the Miami Herald which implied this was a dispute among sex offender advocates.

Firstly, this is not a dispute among sex offender advocates at all, but about the First Amendment.

Earlier this year we began receiving calls and emails from registrants informing us of a flier they received in the mail from “clear my case” informing them “We have great news for you! You may be eligible to deregister.” and soliciting their “introductory offer” of a paid ($160) consultation. (see here)

In looking into this company we uncovered numerous complaints from registrants who have paid hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to clearmycase who felt scammed. Asking clearmycase directly for any information on anyone in Florida they “de-registered” (not naming names or identifying parties) turned up empty. The owner of clearmycase, John F. Bordelon, also owns “Liberty Credit Partners”, a company that purportedly provides credit counseling services. He has, ironically, filed for personal bankruptcy at least four times in the last decade. (see here)

As complaints from registrants nationwide came to our attention, we felt it was our duty to warn members and share our opinion of

Not surprisingly, in response to our posts, we received comments from others, including complaints from consumers who paid thousands to clearmycase and even a former employee who was not at a loss for words when describing the company.

Now, apparently, ClearMyCase wants to sue us for “defamation” over OUR opinion, posted to OUR members, on OUR website? This should be interesting!




7 thoughts on “ClearMyCase: a warning to registrants

  • October 11, 2017

    Please let us know if we need to kick in and support the fight against this company. We’re all in this together, even against ridiculous law suits.

    • October 11, 2017

      Appreciate that, Mike – So far we’ve not even been served and we have some very good people who have stepped up in our defense!

    • October 11, 2017

      Agreed Mike, we should all help if we can

  • October 11, 2017

    I am happy you are not backing down. Kick some arse!

  • October 11, 2017

    THE SEX OFFENDER INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX is a multi $BILLION$ industry -Clear my case is just anther one of the players in it

  • October 11, 2017

    A company that claims to want to help registrants sueing a organization that actually helps registrants that alone raises suspicion about clearmycase in my mind. Talk about frivolous law suites

  • October 12, 2017

    These people are nuts! lol Their little feelings are hurt. The bad claims about them are not hard to find. They are supposed to be smart lawyers and they really think this was a good idea? I am sure the line of defense will be that they “lost business” because of it but they will have to prove that the service they offered was actually viable and we all know it is not (at least in Florida) They also may have harmed themselves by making a press statement that they have sued a non-profit advocacy group. Most RSOs are not going to take that kindly and in states where RSOs could possible get legal relief CMC is not the only avenue to use. It would be fun to get that former employee in court (I think her name was Stacie?) – now that would be a hoot!


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