Clarification Regarding New Laws In Effect for October 1, 2016

Below is the summary provided from the Department of Corrections.



Two bills (HB 1333 and HB 545) passed in the 2016 Legislative Session affecting sexual offender/ predator registration processes in Florida. The changes are notated below and take effect on 10/1/16.

1. “Change in status at an institution of higher education” means the commencement or termination of enrollment, including, but not limited to, traditional classroom settings or online courses, or employment, whether for compensation or as a volunteer, at an institution of higher education or a change in location of enrollment or employment, whether for compensation or as a volunteer, at an institution of higher education.

2.  “Changes in definition of Internet identifiers” There were changes to the definition of “Internet identifier” in the 2016 Legislation that expanded the required identifiers, however **On 9/27/16, an injunction was filed and granted in Federal Court halting the collection and reporting of the additional information to FDLE; so until further notice, FDLE will be operating under the current (2014) definition of “Internet identifiers” as it relates to sexual offender/predator registration.  Further direction will be provided by this office as this issue makes its way through the court process.**

Many offenders have received notice about the additional requirements from FDLE. Staff may inform offenders that the injunction means that they are only required to provide the information they were currently providing until further notice. NOTE: Please be reminded that for any offender who has a “no computer or internet access condition” should be instructed to not use FDLE’s on-line reporting system for internet identifiers while on supervision.

3. “Professional license” means the document of authorization or certification issued by an agency of this state for a regulatory purpose, or by any similar agency in another jurisdiction for a regulatory purpose, to a person to engage in an occupation or to carry out a trade or business.

Employment Information must be reported within 48 hours of any change (previously only required to be reported at reregistration).

4. International Travel {s. 775.21(6)(i), F.S. and s. 943.0435(7), F.S.}
• Registrants who intend to travel outside of the United States for 5 or more days MUST report in person to the sheriff’s office at least 21 days prior to the date he or she intends to travel outside of the U.S.
• Any travel that is not known by a registrant 21 days before the departure date must be reported in person to the sheriff’s office as soon as possible BEFORE departure.
• For international travel the registrant must also provide itinerary information, including, but not limited to:
•    Expected departure and return dates,
•    Flight number,
•    Airport of departure or Cruise Port of departure, and/or
•    Any other means of intended travel.

Phone numbers, including home and cellular, must be reported within 48 hours of any change (previously only required to be reported at reregistration).
• If the registrant is under the supervision of the Department of Corrections, the registrant MUST report the information to his or her probation officer; OR
• If not under DOC supervision, the registrant must report the information online through the Cyber Communication System or in-person at the sheriff’s office.

5. DHSMV letter for Driver License/ID card issues
• Clarifying language was added to s. 775.21(6)(g) and s. 943.0435(4)(a), F.S:
“The reporting requirements under this paragraph do not negate the requirement for a sexual offender to obtain a Florida driver license or an identification card as required in this section.”

6. Qualifying Offense Changes: (HB 1333 and HB 545– effective October 1, 2016)
•    Racketeering and Illegal Debts, s. 895.03, F.S.
o    This is a new qualifying offense, but ONLY qualifies for sexual offender or predator registration if the court makes a written finding that the racketeering activity involved at least one sexual offense.

•    Lewd or Lascivious Battery on an Elderly or Disabled Person, s. 825.1025(2)(a), F.S.
o    This is a current biannual qualifying offense.
o    As of October 1, 2016, the offense will require lifetime, quarterly registration.

•    Kidnapping, s. 787.01, F.S.; False Imprisonment, s. 787.02, F.S.; Luring and Enticing, s. 787.025(2)(c), F.S.
o    These offenses currently require registration where there is sexual intent/motive, the victim is a minor, and the defendant is not the victim’s parent or guardian.
o    As of October 1, 2016, the offenses will require registration where there is sexual intent/motive and the victim is a minor regardless of whether or not the defendant is the victim’s parent or guardian.

7. Relief From Registration: (HB 1333 – effective October 1, 2016)
“Romeo and Juliet” Registration Relief {s. 943.04354, F.S.}
•    Language was added to clarify that the requirement to “not conflict with federal law” means that   the sexual act was consensual, notwithstanding the age of the victim. All other criteria in statute still apply.

Registrants with out-of-state convictions may petition a Florida court for registration relief {s. 943.0435(11) and s. 943.04354, F.S.}
•    If the sexual offender meets the relief criteria specified in statute, the sexual offender may, for the purpose of removing the requirement for registration as a sexual offender, petition the criminal division of the circuit court of the circuit:
1. Where the conviction or adjudication occurred, for a conviction in this state;
2. Where the sexual offender resides, for a conviction of a violation of similar law of another jurisdiction; or
3. Where the sexual offender last resided, for a sexual offender with a conviction of a violation of similar law of another jurisdiction who no longer resides in this state.

9 thoughts on “Clarification Regarding New Laws In Effect for October 1, 2016

  • October 5, 2016 at 2:23 pm

    I recently re-registered (this week). The only new questions I was asked were what websites my usernames are used for. I found that odd and told the officer that when I registered them in CCS, the information was there. The officer asked again by reading off each of my usernames, so I told the officer all of them except one that I could not remember. Normally, they only ask if all my identifiers were up to date in CCS. So, is this their way of trying to get around the injunction? Or a flaw in their system which doesn’t show where the usernames are used? Surprisingly, there was no mention of Helloween. I suppose I will get a personal visit for that to sign the acknowledgement, as I have signed since 2010. 🙁

    • October 10, 2016 at 6:09 pm

      I guess that’s due to the issue that I just commented about under this thread today. Either they don’t know how to legally ask for the Internet site on their FDLE website, or they goofed and took out the old system they had which was a drop box with choices of popular social media sites or ‘Other’.

  • October 5, 2016 at 6:15 pm

    It’s all to much. Can’t takeit anymore. At least 25 children a day killed in automobiles. Drought of that many killed by sex offenders in lays forty years. Get your priorities straight America.

  • October 6, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    I did not read anything about offenders that were ordered to enter and complete s.o. treatment to lower probability of reoffending. I entered and completed a course starting in 1989; graduated in 2005. It took awhile because of other issues including the group therapy. and helping other group members with there steps of progress which consisted of 23 steps. I am very angry with thr justice system.

  • October 10, 2016 at 6:06 pm

    I was surprised when I visited the FDLE site for registering Internet Identifiers. To register an identifier, you simply put in one character string (ex: FAC: RayO) and THAT’S IT. I wonder how you’re supposed to indicate your Facebook ID, etc. Do you write something like ‘Facebook ID RayO’? Or, is FDLE just sure that no sex offender will have a social media account, due to prohibitions from sites like Facebook? When FDLE accepts your Identifier and shows your list of identifiers, it just shows the Identifier name that you entered and Provider is shown as ‘Unknown’.


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