Citrus County judge says being on the sex offense registry for life is punishment

Citrus County Judge Richard Howard ruled Monday that being on the Florida sex offense registry for life was a suitable punishment for a 21-year-old woman who sexually coerced and molested a teenage boy.  Please make sure that you read carefully the part that said the registry was suitable PUNISHMENT.

The woman plead no contest to two counts of lewd and lascivious molestation of a child between 12 and 16 years old and three counts of transmitting harmful material to a minor.

She will be on 6 years of sex offender probation. Howard offered the woman her sentence as part of a plea deal, not following the 42-month prison term recommended by the prosecutor.

Howard said that being on the sex offense registry will forever limit her freedoms, such as where she can work and live.

We now have one more judge acknowledging that the registry is punitive, with more proof for our Ex Post Facto lawsuit.


27 thoughts on “Citrus County judge says being on the sex offense registry for life is punishment

  • October 7, 2021

    There is just no stopping these Florida Judges from over sentencing in non violent sex crime cases. It’s all about getting re-elected and politics and not about what a truthful and meaningful punishment should be. Life long RSO’s is like a prison without bars. I have been a RSO for 21 years and its been a hell on earth. Judges have no clue or don’t care.

    • October 7, 2021


      The courts state the registry is NOT punishment. However, since being sentenced to something is your punishment, wouldn’t sentencing someone to life on the registry be punishment?

      I mean the judge in this case, just made our case.
      I might add, I never got that choice. I was added on well after being sentenced and no registry existed in Florida when I was sentenced. Otherwise I would have fought till the ends of the Earth to avoid that.

  • October 7, 2021


    • October 7, 2021


      Or as my distant cousins Bill and Ted like to say “Most excellent Dude!”

  • October 7, 2021

    Since this is in Florida (Applies to us) and you have actually court papers proving that was said, I hope to God F.A.C’s team of lawyers will use that. Get on it like jam on bread.
    May not be a slam dunk but I believe in my heart everyone, even the victims of abuse believe the registry is punishment. Not that they care we are being punished but they are happy we are being punished.

    • October 7, 2021



      • October 7, 2021


        Can you do it for me please. I have a peanut allergy so don’t want to choke in the process 🙂

        Peanuts are my Kryptonite

      • October 8, 2021

        Funny they posted your link but not mine. Mine was about a deputy just fired for harassing a sex offender.

        • October 8, 2021

          I googled it and couldn’t find a story. I believe you but I would love to see the story

        • October 8, 2021

          took 3x to do it too and 1 post still didnt make it have to wonder about this site and if they are passive or just plain afraid to have the real truth out there, law enforcement are doing what we ppl have been put on the registry for yet they walk away free to go home and not have to worry about neighbors gossip or Vigilanties destroying there property or harrassing the the registrants famlies
          FAC needs to put the truth out there is 2 set of standards
          I guess its Who you know and who you blow

      • October 8, 2021

        Funny FTR how the person described covering up the crime, than gets a plea for a lesser offense if you can call it lesser, and than gets a downward departure in regards to the mandatory length of time they are required to be sentenced to, and not having to register on top of it all. It goes to show just how corrupt our system is.

        • October 8, 2021

          this happened in Florida and people on the registry there should make an out cry to the governor demanding the same penalities as the next person who was placed on this registry scream loud and get the attentions of the media on the REAL truth of this being, curcumvented to keep this guy off the registy when he is no different then the rest of the people who have become victim to this courupt system
          this Joker knew well and tried to hide the truth of his actions they should of made an example out of him considering his position and maybe detour other like him from doing the same things they condem others too
          the judge is as well behind this little sharade knowing well the law yet taylor it to fit a square peg in a round hole..

  • October 7, 2021

    It’s a spouse to a lifetime registrant I feel some people need it and some don’t, my wife doesn’t

  • October 7, 2021

    Not to give legislators any ideas but to me, if every other type of offender/offense/crime had to face a similar type of registry that restricted travel/movement, where you can live, jobs obtained/employability, etc. You guys know the list. If they all had to face all this with the threat of additional felony charges and minimum mandatory sentences or 1 to 5 yrs in prison for failure to register anything on that list. Then the SO registry would not be cruel and unusual punishment or not be additional punishment in general. Yeah, I know the flip side argument is something along the lines of their crime wasn’t heinous or something of that nature. Hmm well let’s see. Ask anyone who has ever had a gun pointed in their face during a robbery how that affected their life. Ask anyone who has ever experienced the disease of addiction how messed up their life is. Maybe if that drug dealer wasn’t right done the street their lives would be different. Ask society how much the cost and burden fraud is on not only society as a whole but the personal lives of the victim. I know that all felons have to register on the felony registry but they do not face the risk of so many other requirements etc or the potential prison time due to failure to register. So how any type of Law enforcement, litigator, or legislator can say the SO registry is not punishment or additional punishment is beyond me. Atleast this judge was honest about it. Did he give us any ammunition to our fight?

    • October 7, 2021

      I dare-say that slinging drugs, robbing, stealing, assaulting, or killing has a far greater impact on anyone than viewing CP.

      I don’t think the judge is against the registry, rather, that he’s all in favor because it IS punishment. Kind of goes from: “we’re doing this because I’m required” TO “let’s do this to pile on punishment.”

    • October 7, 2021

      They can say that the SO registry is not punishment or additional punishment is because they lie. They shamelessly lie. Why is hard to believe that they lie. It is proven time and time again.

      Law enforcement lie. Litigators lie. Lawyers lie. Politicians lie.

      • October 7, 2021

        They keep getting away with it that’s why they continue this bull crap.

      • October 7, 2021

        Everyone on Earth has told some lie in their life. If not, they must be a saint. Heck World leaders lie constantly, then lie about lying LOL

        The best liar I know was Frank Abagnale Jr. I read his book while I was locked up, then when I got released, they made a movie about him called “Catch me if you can” starring Leonardo DiCaprio who did a fantastic job of portraying Frank.

  • October 7, 2021

    YAY!!!!! More and more arguments in our favor.

  • October 7, 2021

    As my father use to say ” If you open your mouth to many times eventually your foot will find it’s way inside

  • October 7, 2021

    Well then, there you go. Straight from the horse’s mouth. The judge utilized the Florida Life Time Sex Offender Registry as punishment for this person and there is no way to deny that.

    It is clear that anything that is forced upon someone for life when they would otherwise not choose it themselves is punishment.

    Can we please move forward with this Ex Post Facto lawsuit now!

    • October 7, 2021

      We have already moved forward with TWO ex post facto lawsuits.

    • October 8, 2021

      why does she get life time punishment and Proscutors who do the same thing dont?
      A former Seminole County Assistant State Attorney has entered a plea on two felony charges of having sex with a minor who worked for him.

      There was emotional testimony on Thursday in court from the victim, as Andrew Jones took the deal.
      He was a former assistant state attorney, running to be a Seminole County judge, but in August 2019, he was accused of raping the teen at his Longwood home.

      The victim testified she felt shame, even though she had done nothing wrong.

      Jones was originally charged with sexual assault. In court, he admitted to having sex with her, but pleaded guilty to just aggravated child abuse and tampering with evidence.

      It was a plea deal allowing Jones to avoid prison time, instead serving two years on community control and eight on probation.

      He will not have to register as a sex offender.

      The victim’s lawyer told WESH 2 News that he does not believe Jones is getting off easy.

      Jones was able to leave court and go home. The victim said she will never get her life back.

      • October 9, 2021

        That just demonstrates the hypocrisy of the system.



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