Chris Naco remains the sheriff of Pasco County
How can that be?
Police would come to the house multiple times a day, harassing people after a family member was arrested.
Sheriff Chris Naco of Pasco Co set out to reimagine policing in Pasco Co by adopting a controversial model for policing called predictive policing that was designed to stop crime before it even happened. Predictive policing is harassing residents that might commit future crimes.
Warning: This video is disturbing.
The Tampa Bay Times has followed this story closely over the past few years.
These types of things have been going on for decades, just back then there were no body cameras, cell phones etc. so they got away with it without any evidence. This video shows plenty of evidence of harassment, and yet the sheriff seems to be power hungry.
Anyone can make a mistake but that mistake years in the past should not define who you are. When I was in law enforcement, I always treated everyone with respect and the time I served I never once had a complaint against me. But I saw my share of instances from other officers that made me sick to my stomach. If you spoke out, your career was over. I left before that happened as I could no longer stay silent.
It’s a weaponized version of “tap and rap” or “knock and talk”
Just remember, it is your 1A right to record them in the commission of their job while on duty and there is court precedent for this to which they may argue, but will lose that argument. You don’t have to announce you are recording anymore than they do with their bodycam.
An easy and fast way to ensure the interaction is short and to protect yourself, start recording and invoke your right to remain silent after informing them they can refer all questions to legal counsel. These rights are available to you any time you want to use them. Nothing burns LE more than these being used against them in ways they know you the citizen have.
I’m thinking there’s an informal competition among certain Sheriffs in Florida. Its like Polk County, Brevard County, Pasco County, Volusia County, and Marion County compete to see who’s the “best” sheriff.
I thought the 3 precogs had to agree on the crime, then send a que ball down the spiral thingy. Is that how Pasco county does it?
If the fricken cops weren’t so dangerous, this would be laughable.
I remember when I was on probation, the cops came to my apartment more than the probation officer. They harassed me to the point that I did what they wanted and moved away to another county. I live in the city limits at the time so the city cops, county deputies, probation officers AND FDLE agents would come and harass me.
I am a strong-minded person, but I finally gave in and moved because otherwise they were going to trick me into violating probation. Once I moved to another county, I just got my required resident checks and only had to deal with hateful neighbors.
Some people went into law enforcement for no other reason than to have power over others. I joined to make a difference, but my dreams were soon dashed as I got a wakeup call to reality. I miss it in some ways, but it is even worse now than when I was there. Things got really intense after the Rodney King incident, but I had already left by then.
I realize that many or most people in our circumstances may not have this luxury, but if it is at all possible try to live in an unincorporated portion of your county. I live 700 feet outside the City of Miami limits in unincorporated Miami-Dade County and only get a quick drive-by or two per year from the same deputy sheriff who has no interest in anything other than checking me off his list.
Yes, I also do not live in city limits. I am rural as well. Most of the people who live around me leave me alone as I have been here longer than them. But sucks when they came out with Nextdoor and started campaigns to get rid of us. Sort of died down a bit as I guess people learned we are here to stay, until we get removed from the hate list, move away, get arrested or die. I chose to stand my ground.
same here heck in 2 years i only think i seen unmarked drive by once. They havnt been on the property for 2 – 2 n 1/2 years n im home 90% of the time
Hi. My husband a SO, will come out from
Prison in less than a year. Our home is in Miami, and even though is outside the radius, I don’t want him to come back. I don’t even know where to start as to the reasons of why. I do want to help him but not at my expense. My life has heen shredded into a million parts. Does he need to have a room in a safe house already arranged and ready to receive him prior to his release? How to find housing for him? Any tips or recommendations as to how to find housing for him? What exactly do we need to expect prior to his release?
Check out
The precogs have been replaced by pre-thugs.
Predictive policing is not proactive or preventative policing.. it’s redundant over-policing.
This person is just using a gimmick to sell a fantasy to his ignorant and gullible community. Modern day snake oil salesman, carnival barker, etc.
What confuses me is, if the Sherrif’s Office doesn’t have an arrest or search warrant and no suspicion of an actual crime being committed on the property, what right do they have to be on someone’s property.
I recently had a Hillsborough sherrif knock on my door for a compliance chek. He claimed he didn’t see half of the information in his system I currently been registering for the last 25 years. I only sneered his endless questions about registration related stuff. He was trying hard as hell to catch me in some type of lie. I had my paper work from the last registration I did. I told him. You already have everything I’m required to give you. Any other questions I’ll need to run past My attourney. He finally left and never came back. Beleiev me. Some of these guys would love nothing more than to cath you in some type of mistake or lie so they can get you thrown in jail for basicly just being alive.
Dear Tired, I think you did the right thing. You can always assert your right to remain silent and your right to counsel during any government interrogation. Make no mistake, those questions were part of an interrogation during a criminal investigation to determine your compliance with the registry laws. More people need to do what you did. Bravo!
The deputy that comes to my house knocks, asks me a few questions, reminds me to register, then asks if I have any questions. I say no and tell him to be safe out there, he thanks me, and I see him in another six months.
Just speak to them through your doorbell cam and tell them you can’t open the door because you have a virus. Just pull the curtain back to show your face and to satisfy “compliance” with a visual assessment.
If they demand that you sign that dumb clipboard, tell the officer: “You being here is just for visual “compliance” purposes of me being at this address, not for verification or confirmation of adherence to any registry laws. They’re trying to give you the rope to hang yourself by volunteering information. Don’t fall into the traps they set.
The reason they started with the signature nonsense is because it’s “department butt covering” measure and also just to rub your nose in it every step of the way.
Is anyone surprised by this? FloriDUH is gonna FloriDUH.
Doesn’t seem much different than what we PFRs deal with, except in our case it’s sanctioned. Will the outcome of potentially our situation? Unlikely, but it could set precedents.