Changes needed in sex offender registry rules

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, a rare spate of high-profile child abductions and murders, mostly sexual in nature, terrified America. With constant media coverage, parents across the country were easily led to believe that their children could be in imminent danger. As demands from the public, as well as a few prominent parents of missing or murdered children escalated, legislatures responded, and the sex offender registry was born.

This primal need to protect our children from any possible harm resonates in us all. Human logic supports instincts – if we identify and track those who have committed these crimes, we can better protect those we love. False information surrounding the risk of re-offense by the perpetrators only increased the willingness to do anything to reduce that risk.

That was 30-plus years ago, and in those years the sex offender registration system has grown to the point that children as young as 9 can be registered, and teenagers having consensual sex and sexting can be registered. The rules, restrictions, and background checks often dictated by the registry can be onerous and destroy any rehabilitation initiatives and lifetime registration with no path off the registry destroys all hope for a better tomorrow.

Something else has happened in those 30 years. We now have a massive body of evidence showing that every premise upon which registration was built is false. It does not reduce sexual recidivism, neither violent nor nonviolent. It does not reduce first-time sex crimes. Furthermore, the purported high rate of re-offense is non-existent.

Finally, the American Law Institute is calling for changes. The institute is an independent organization of thousands of lawyers, judges, and scholars who published The Model Penal Code in 1962 to encourage the states to standardize their criminal codes. Even though it is not legally binding, it proved to be influential as a majority of states adopted it, either in part or in whole. Their current revision to the sex offender codes has taken nearly a decade to complete and is intended to guide the states in updating their laws based on the empirical knowledge we have gained since 1962.


28 thoughts on “Changes needed in sex offender registry rules

  • January 17, 2023

    This is good but I hope it won’t take another 30 tears to implement change.

    • January 17, 2023

      FL Bar recognizes book for combating homelessness and child abuse?

      That is sickening. I assumed better of the Florida Bar Assn.

      Maybe they’re just recognizing him for being well connected.

  • January 17, 2023

    The registry is so punitive and oppressive, I would bet it’s backed by religious affiliation. I know of no secular or humanist organization that would gleefully turn the screws on a segment of society in such a willingly tortuous manner.

    • January 19, 2023


    • January 19, 2023

      Ben change is gonna come but its with actions of those involved and those not involved in this registry to see the punitive damage it can do. Sure many things can be speculation at best but patience is a virtue.

  • January 17, 2023

    The most ardent supporters and defenders of this registry boondoggle are those who’s jobs depend on it.

    • January 18, 2023

      When EVERYONE (including the general public) wakes up and realizes that it’s “ALL ABOUT THE MONEY”, Then Maybe, Just Maybe things will change ! Everyone “Involved” in the “Sex Offender Registry” Scheme KNOWS it Does NOT work ! BUT it BRINGS IN TONS (MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS) OF MONEY all across the Board ! . There is TONS AND TONS of “Respected” Evidence, Proof, Research that PROVES the Registry DOES NOT WORK, AND US ABSOLUTELY PUNITIVE, But because of THE MONEY, Everyone with the “Power” to ABOLISH the Registry, Does NOTHING except CASH the Checks they get !!!. I’ve been Screaming this info to EVERYONE since 2005 (when I was FORCED onto the “List”), And it has only gotten WORSE for everyone ! . I’m very sorry for “Yelling” but it’s hard watching people “Beat Around The Bush” There needs to be some SERIOUS DEEP DIGGING done about WHO and WHERE all the MONEY goes that is “Given, Raised, Budgeted, Dispersed for “Governing ” The Registry !! The “Paper Trail” of all the MILLIONS just MIGHT be what “The People ” needs to see, To SHOW THE PUBLIC what “The Registry ” is really all about !!. I’m just a “Dumb Ole County Boy, Barely Making it, And don’t KNOW where or HOW to look for this info !!! But I AM A VOICE, And I use my voice to EDUCATE the public any time I get the chance !!. We ALL need to Band Together to SHOW THE GENERAL PUBLIC what is REALLY going on here !! But HOW ???? The “Public HATES us !!!!!!?????. Again, Sorry for Yelling !. God Speed.

  • January 17, 2023

    This is a great article and well written. I really like this part: Something else has happened in those 30 years. We now have a massive body of evidence showing that every premise upon which registration was built is false. It does not reduce sexual recidivism, neither violent nor nonviolent. It does not reduce first-time sex crimes. Furthermore, the purported high rate of re-offense is non-existent.

  • January 17, 2023

    yes changes need to be made -most importantly police depts. need to make sure they verify info when charges are made I have worked with more than one man whose life was ruined because female had fake id’s or was lieing.My husbnds case years ago he passed a lie detector test but cops had attitude kids dont lie- long story of greedy women who knew husbands uncle was sitting on inheritance and they wanted it anyway they could get it – they pulled same thing on thier own sons because they were also heirs – sadly the second wife didnt know her son was left out of will – my husband still being persecuted for it – son by first wife attorney got him off after i did some research and learned same female had made charges against more than one male.Here in Florida where ihave been living a young manwho wasworking hard and trying to save his money – thewoman hewas withclaimed he washolding her prisoner -not the case-she couldhaveleft anytime she wanted – I didnt hear about thistilafter the fact – she was justangry that he was saving his moneyand wouldnt give her what she wanted to goshopping -lot ofshopoholicshere. sorry for errors cant see – I wrote tony state officefor husband that was investigating corruptioninthir system two years ago and never got a response – possible because i changed phone numbers – now I am about to contact them again with info fromhusbands son re: actions of the aforementioned women.

  • January 17, 2023

    I wholeheartedly agree with the premise of abolishing the registry.
    That said, I would love a nomadic lifestyle but the registry makes that difficult at best. I have no electronic restrictions. Wouldn’t it be nice at least for me if I could just send a lat and long to a respective body that needs my location? On cannot reasonably see into the future enough to assume the spot you were thinking about occupying will be available when you get done with registering. An app would do that and no I dont have the technical know how to pull that off.
    Complete abolishment would be better though.
    Just putting it out there because one never knows. 😎🏕

  • January 18, 2023

    Changes don’t need to be made. The registry needs to be abolished. Period.

    • January 19, 2023

      Exactly right. People think big government is capable of fixing their illegal, idiotic mess?

      The Registries, and especially the idiotic laws/restrictions/harassment/extras that they have enabled and promoted, are a GIANT pile of feces. There is no fixing that pile. “Changes” are just pushing the feces around into different shapes. It will always be feces.

    • January 19, 2023

      100% correct.
      The registry must be abolished! No carve out. If anyone thinks differently, you’re wrong.

  • January 18, 2023

    The Registry should just be abolished. I do not see this happening. Most changes thus far have been for the worst. You have to realize that the registry has created a lot of government and law enforcement jobs. The fines they collect for their stupid violation of requirements, such as vehicle registration which this information they already have access to through their computers in their vehicles. Any more this pretty much public knowledge. You can go into any auto parts store and give them a license plate number or vin number and they can pull up all the info on that vehicle. The registry is all about money and jobs, it has nothing to do with protecting the children. The government has limited ways to create jobs, and even more limited in the way the manage these jobs. Of course I still hope for a miracle.

  • January 19, 2023

    The registry has been a nightmare from it’s inception, as we all can attest. I find the lack of specific information particularly frustrating though. My situation is a Federal CP conviction. I lived in Florida at the time, but wasn’t arrested or investigated by the state. Went to Federal Prison (2002), completed all the “aftercare” and Supervised Release (2005). Now, I want to move to another state, but the rules for out of state registrants are confusing at best. I am willing to go just about anywhere to get off this ridiculousness. Most of the resources I have found list the out of state registrant requirements if any, but am I subject to Floriduh or Federal?

    • January 20, 2023

      Maybe I can train my dog to show me where I left my phone.

    • January 21, 2023

      “Well the dog you say. Your honor the dog did it.” He sniffed out my cell phone but their was no porn on it. Very interestting… So who is being realistic or optimistic in this porn game with a sex enticement via the internet. So should we all beware of these vain deceits or spoiled thru this philosophy. God is a God of judgement man uses compromise in many vain ways. Read Jer 22:3 and yes he Executes judgement and right judgement.

      So many should get their butts up to Tallahassee and address this issue and every other state in America to rid a lot of this registry type abuse out. So is the sex offender still in bondage even after he’s paid his dues’ to society? If people don’t take Action than whats this card game all about a dog that can sniff out peanut brittle.

  • January 20, 2023

    WoW Will Allen did I heard an AMEN from you. Sure change is needed plus Action and some better guidelines as well. Now don’t knock those religious people or those ones with some Christian background. Their are principles to everything in life.

    Hey Government is in many ways digging their own grave. You have this compromise of a plea deal, you have this due process or the lack of due process and you have the trespassing against another. So whats more abusive than trespassing against others and to top it all off you have the shell or con game.

    Protecting and serving does not mean setting up someone in these blind shell game via some internet ordeal. Authorities are guilty. Remember we wrestle not with flesh and blood.

    • January 27, 2023

      Look, we all want to stamp out child rape, but this proposal will have unintended consequences.

      Important link from Eugene V Debs that also gives you a hint on DeSantis’ views on how lesser sex crimes should be treated. I won’t be surprised if the governor declares that the registry is good BECAUSE it’s punitive.

  • July 10, 2023

    I was arrested for Internet Solicitation of a minor in 2001. The judge waived all restrictions but 3 years probation. No Blood, No Monitor, Stayed in my home. Adjudication of Guilt withheld.

    But the FL registration Law says because I lead no contest, I have to register, and this blows my mind, for Life.
    I know live in Montana, and Because Florida requires registration, Montana does.

    I could try to overthrow the Government and I wouldn’t be punished this bad.

  • January 23, 2024

    The current sex offender laws are in dire need of reform to address their fairness and effectiveness. It is deeply unfortunate that individuals who made a mistake in their past, continue to suffer lifelong consequences. The internet’s potential for causing harm is evident, and it is crucial to address the underlying issues and provide mental health treatment for sex offenders. Instead of subjecting them to lifelong labeling, a more compassionate approach would be to implement a tier system, as you suggested, which would differentiate between various levels of offenses and tailor punishments accordingly. It is important to recognize that the majority of individuals on the sex offender list are one-time offenders who are unlikely to reoffend. Moreover, the disparities in how the law is applied to individuals with wealth and influence highlight the urgent need for a more just and equitable system. The cases of Jeffrey Epstein and others serve as stark reminders of the flaws in our current laws. Jaden Kitna wouldve been on the registry had multiple photos and doesn’t not have to register due to having a good lawyer , money and famous father . It is imperative that we enact changes that promote fairness and protect the well-being of all individuals involved.
    My husband was in the military 10 years ago was 20 had one photo and has to register for lifetime .
    This laws need to be changed a tier system or mental health treatment would make a difference for individuals . Men are treated far worse than women. If you don’t have power money or being a politician you get away with so much crime .
    Everyone on the registry is not the same . Everyone’s crime is different . It needs to be changed

    • January 23, 2024

      Respectfully disagree that sex crime law needs to be reformed. There’s absolutely no way to modify or amend them to make them “effective” regarding their supposed purpose. Any changes or amendments only make them worse for all – registrants and society as a whole.

      The registry needs to be abolished. Period.


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