CCNCR – Conference Call and Guest from Federal Prison Authority

A message from Caution Click National Campaign for Reform (CCNCR).

We encourage you to join CCNCR call; Monday, July 10th. @ 8pm est. Guest speaker Bruce Cameron, MS, LPC-S, LSOTP-S, is the founder and lead program analyst for Federal Prison Authority. He will discuss his consulting services that will cover a wide range of information that may be helpful to you. He has helped people currently incarcerated and post release. His topics will include sex offender treatment, supervised release and de-registration evaluation.

You can visit his website to learn more:

There will be opportunity for questions and answers.

Scheduled Time: Date: July 10th., @8:00 PM EST.

One Number – U.S.
Only (319) 527-4451


16 thoughts on “CCNCR – Conference Call and Guest from Federal Prison Authority

  • July 9, 2023

    I used to follow Bruce on FB. Someone said something about people forced to register & their charges, I don’t remember what he said, but I believe he called them a certain name & was not supportive of our population. Has he had a change of heart or is he seeing dollar signs?

    • July 10, 2023

      Liberty and justice for ALL!!
      …(‘specially if they got lots of dineros!!!)
      IMHO, All these lawyers getting people off the registry are killing us; they are eroding our numbers and giving tacit approval to a system of government-sponsored hate.

      (To some volks, getting so-called “undesirables” out of Europe was a heck of a lot easier than fighting government-approved, populist hate.)
      Look what history taught (and our country ignored)!
      Tsk Tsk!

    • July 10, 2023


      I do not know the man so cannot speak to his morals. I can say though, I have used lawyers in the past for NON registry reasons and I can tell you, there are lawyers who will actually care about your case, and others who could care less if you win or lose, as they get paid either way.
      The lawyer I had when I first got arrested really cared about me and he actually broke into tears when I got sentenced to prison. Years later I used him again and he got the remaining probation sentence thrown out.

  • July 9, 2023

    Deregistration is BS!
    The entire registry must be abolished.
    Half measures are anathema to our fight for Liberty!!

    • July 12, 2023

      Riff Raff, thanks for posting this. That case is from 2008, two years before I was sentenced to 6 years in federal prison plus lifetime supervised release for only 1 count of simple possession of CP without distribution charges. The 11th Circuit affirmed my sentence as appropriate. But it seems the Firth Circuit would disagree since that defendant got only 5 years for both possession AND distribution. My point is, there’s no such thing as equal justice under law. Some people in this forum would call me bitter or crabby. They’re correct. What’s happening in our courts more resembles 3rd world countries every day because politically connected or wealthy people get their charges dismissed or greatly reduced while us poor and unconnected people suffer extremely harsh sentences for lessor crimes.

    • July 12, 2023

      I got an answer on this from an attorney but waiting to see if he allows me to post his response. I can say though basically this mostly affects a small group of people. Will post his full response once I get the go ahead.

    • July 12, 2023

      Just got ok to post this from attorney Ron kleiner.

      “This ruling does not affect pre 2007 20 year petitions.”

  • July 18, 2023

    I participated on this Caution Click phone call and I DID NOT like Bruce Cannon’s lack of sensitivity toward his clients. He literally referred to Texas Voices as, and I quote: “a pro-sex offender lobby group.” Really??! I believe anyone on this site would have called him out on this, which I did. Texas Voices is a group advocating for the rights of those forced to register. Mr. Cannon also displayed a distinct lack of knowledge about the laws of any other other state besides Texas when it comes to removal from the registry. He also spoke as if anyone can move to Texas and apply to get off the registry there to solve their registry problems, something that is completely untrue and I also had to call him out on.
    Concerning JJJJ’s comment below that Deregistration is BS, I strongly disagree. Deregistration is not BS but anyone who is fortunate enough to get themselves removed from their state’s registry needs to know that it doesn’t solve all their legal problems, and they should keep fighting the registry, de-registered or not.

    • July 18, 2023

      Grateful to Bruce for this cautionary information regarding Bruce Cannon, an apparent charlatan.

      • July 19, 2023


        Yes, that is what the Bible refers to as “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing”. Matthew 7:15

        Beware of the false prophets.

    • July 19, 2023

      First, please understand I am not trying to start a flame war.
      But I assume that the reason you strongly disagree with me is that you are one of the lucky few who has a path to deregistration.

      Many of us do not! We are “lifers.”

      Respectfully, if you think that your crimes are “better” than my crimes, then you are entirely missing the point.

      The point is that tyranny and injustice and twisting of our constitution and laws (whether it targets true, evil SOBs or pretty-good guys who just made a minor boo-boo) is NEVER right. – For anyone!

      The problem is the registry itself, not whom it targets.

      Furthermore, if there approximately 1 million pissed-off registrants right now, and we can barely move towards our goal of elimination of the registry, then what if 1/2 of those people get deregistered?
      What if, suddenly, there are only half of us left to “fight the fight”??
      Don’t you think that our cause for justice might suffer?
      Sure, you may be able to get off the registry….but does that mean “Hurray for me, and the hell with you?”

      Please don’t misunderstand me. I mean these comments to be respectful, but pointed.

      • July 19, 2023


        My 2 cents. If one of us has a path to getting off, all of us should, even if the time line is longer. Since the registry is so called “Non punishment” (We all know differently) then why not give us all a chance to prove we can stay out of trouble. I am assuming no one on here got a life sentence but most of us did when they gave us a bonus special gift of lifetime registration.

        I understand some just looked at porn and others actually committed a physical act. However, even mass murderers who are released do not have a public registry and get to go on living their lives in peace as long as they stay out of trouble (Or don’t get caught if they are determined to throw away their freedoms).

      • July 21, 2023

        JJJJ – If I may, I’d like to point out that I am a Florida registrant, I am 70 years old and by Florida law won’t even be able to ask to be taken off Florida’s registry until I’m 93. Therefore I’m as much of a lifer as anyone else. And I am as strongly opposed to throwing any registrant under the bus as anyone else on this site.
        Yes, I have applied to get myself off the registry in Iowa where I now have my primary residence (I still winter in Florida) and I will be happy if I succeed, but my point about Bruce Cannon is that he was giving people the false impression that if you move to a state where you can pay him a bunch of money to get you off that state’s registry all your problems are solved.
        That is not true at all. If I get myself off Iowa’s registry the only place that helps me is in Iowa. I will still be on Florida’s registry and every other state I travel through on my way back and forth will treat me as a criminal.
        JJJJ, I hope you won’t begrudge me for wanting be be off Iowa’s registry. It’s a beautiful state to be “free” in, as long as I and anyone else who gets themselves off any state’s registry realizes that we’re still surrounded by barbed wire at the state line. It won’t stop me from my advocacy.

        • July 21, 2023

          Thanks for the nice response, and I hope you can get “free” in Ohio.
          Hey, remember the last time certain citizens looked forward to crossing that Ohio border and being “free”. (via the underground railroad).
          Isn’t it sad that our nation still has second class citizens? (who long for the “freedom of Ohio”)


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