OPPAGA “Sex Offender Registration and Monitoring Triennial Review” Falls Short of Expectations

(Weekly Update #186) Dear Members and Advocates, I know this Weekly Update comes to you much earlier in the week than usual (right at the beginning of the week), but when there’s something brewing inside me, I find it hard to hold back. I’m feeling really cheated by OPPAGA! As a taxpayer and as a citizen of the State of

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Brevard County Proximity Ordinance and Registrant Homelessness

(Weekly Update #182) Dear Members and Advocates, For those who have not been following our site, we have a crisis going on in Brevard County. Brevard, like most counties in Florida, has a residency restriction for persons required to register as sex offenders (SORR). Not only does Brevard have a SORR, they have a proximity ordinance. This means that not

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District Court’s Ruling against Tennessee’s Violation of Ex Post Laws is Good News for Florida’s Registrants

(Weekly Update #181) Dear Members and Advocates, Last week our registered community received some good news. A Tennessee District Court found their State’s registry to be punishment and violative of the constitutional prohibition on Ex Post Laws. While relying on the 6th Circuit Court of Appeal’s Does v. Snyder as precedent, Judge Aleta Trauger of Tennessee’s Middle District held that,

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Maslow’s Hierarchy and Live on the Sex Offender Registry

(Weekly Update #175) Dear Members and Advocates, Are you familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Basic Needs?   It is a theory by Abraham Maslow, which puts forward that people are motivated by five basic categories of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Survival and successes are difficult enough when our basic human needs are being met.  But as many have

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