Freedom in the USA more elusive than ever!

(Weekly Update #215) Dear Members and Advocates, Every July 4th I reflect on the meaning of this holiday and why it is celebrated. In 1776, the founders of this nation got together and wrote this document declaring themselves independent from British rule. The document, fittingly called the “Declaration of Independence”, was basically a list of grievances against the government of

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Publishing Registrant Identities and Vigilantism

(Weekly Update #213) Dear Members and Advocates, This week (Friday) begins the National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws (NARSOL) annual conference. Several FAC members will be attending this year’s conference and our own membership chairperson, Anita, will be one of the presenters. These annual events are great for multiple reasons. First, it’s an opportunity to learn about what efforts

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School Shootings and Registration Politics – Evidence-Based or Political Power-Based?

(Weekly Update #210) Dear Members and Advocates, Sadly, this past week our country experienced another tragedy that has become all too common over the past several decades. Another school massacre took place in Texas. 21 people were killed, including 19 elementary school students. Now I understand that gun control is a very divisive topic and I’m not looking to go

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