Revamping the FAC Website & Helping Fellow Registrants

Weekly Update 2017-01-17 Dear Members and Advocates, The Florida Action Committee will start 2017 with a revamped website. For those who have visited<> since yesterday, you may have noticed a subtle change to the design of the site. What’s more important is what is going on behind the scenes. Our new site will be easier for visitors to navigate,

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The Fallacy of trying to Legislate Morality

Weekly Update 2017-01-10 Dear Members and Advocates, Our state was struck with another senseless tragedy last week, when a mentally ill shooter killed five people and injured more at Ft Lauderdale International Airport. A horrible way to begin the new year, but the last year didn’t end much better with the mass-shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Law enforcement and

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Americans ‘brainwashed to fear everything

Dear Members and Advocates, “Americans ‘brainwashed to fear everything’” That was the title of an article that appeared in a New Zealand publication concerning Saturday’s mass shooting in Orlando. “People want to live in a safe environment but the politicians and most of all the media tells them the opposite and not just once in a while but 24/7. All

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