Highlights of 9th Annual NARSOL Conference

Weekly Update 2017-06-06 Dear Members and Advocates, FAC has just returned from the 9th Annual NARSOL conference in Atlanta, Georgia, energized by the encouraging sessions and fueled with the information we brought back. The highlights of this year’s conference were the sessions led by attorneys heading up some of the landmark cases in our arena. Miriam Aukerman, who represented the

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FDLE Confirms that NO Sex Offenses occurred on School or Daycare grounds in 2016

Weekly Update 2017-05-23 Dear Members and Advocates, One of the most horrific, blatantly unconstitutional moves in the history of sex offender laws was stayed in Missouri yesterday! This was great news and significantly motivating in our fight. Earlier this year, the State of Missouri passed a law that placed lifetime GPS on “sex offenders.” It didn’t matter if you were

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Draconian Sentencing for Sex Offender Technical Violations

Weekly Update 2017-05-16 Dear Members and Advocates, In 2003, the Sex Offender Registry was determined by the Supreme Court of the United States, in Smith v. Doe, to be “non-punitive”. That means it’s not punishment and has further been described to be “civil” and “remedial”. But where else can you find sanctions for violating a civil statute so severe? Generally,

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Weekly Update 2017-05-09 Dear Members and Advocates, The results from 2017’s legislative session are coming in and it’s a mixed bag. The good news, is that the one we were particularly concerned about, SB 1558, which would have created a “rebuttable presumption of dangerousness” to one’s own children and given DCF the green light to remove a registrant’s children from

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The Absurdity of Signage Warning Sex Offenders to ‘Keep Out’ of Schools

Weekly Update 2017-05-03 Dear Members and Advocates, This week has been all about keeping school children safe from sexual assault. A topic that inarguably everyone is on board with and should be focused on. Marion County, Florida has instituted a new program “intended” to address this concern. They are posting three foot by three foot signs at school entrances warning registered

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Legislative Updates on Florida’s Sex Offender Laws

Weekly Update 2017-04-27 Dear Members and Advocates, This week the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals granted the homeless registrants another round of relief in denying Miami-Dade County’s request for a rehearing. The Order, which came out last week, offered little more than what we were hoping for; the words ‘Denied’, which means our challenge to the Miami-Dade County residency restriction

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Call to Action on Florida’s Legislation on Sex Offender Laws

Weekly Update 2017-04-18 Dear Members and Advocates, It’s crunch time! We are coming to the end of legislative session and we are busy organizing and advocating. We need your help in calling on the legislators to OPPOSE the proposed Internet Identifier bills, specifically SB 684. This bill attempts to clarify the Internet Identifier statute which passed last year requiring all

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William Dobbs & Robert Longo on Sex Offense crimes

Weekly Update 2014-04-04 Dear Members and Advocates, This Thursday, please don’t forget to join our Monthly member call, where our guest speakers will be reporter Joshua Vaughn of Cumberlink.com and William Dobbs of The Dobbs Wire. Josh Vaughn interviewed Therapist Robert Longo, the source of the “frightening and high” statistic, for an article Josh wrote about the misinterpretation and misuse

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The Overwhelming & Punitive Nature of the Sex Offender Registry

Weekly Update 2017-03-28 Dear Members and Advocates, Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United States entered an interesting order. Instead of ruling on whether to consider the case of Does v. Snyder (the Michigan case that ruled the registry punitive) they asked the Solicitor General of the United States to chime in. Their order literally invited the Solicitor General to

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