Freedom for All People

FAC Weekly Update 2023-07-04 Dear Members and Advocates, Today we celebrate Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July.  It holds significant historical and cultural importance in the United States, serving as a reminder of the country’s founding principles of liberty, equality, and self-governance. It is a day of celebration, unity, and remembrance, as Americans come together to honor

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Honoring Fathers, Father Figures and Family

Weekly Update for 2023-06-16-ID#262. Dear Members and Advocates,   Today we celebrate Father’s Day, a day honoring one’s father, or relevant father figure, as well as fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.  For several years, FAC has described the laws in FL as being “anti-family” laws as they force families apart, break paternal bonds, and alienate

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Legal Updates

Weekly Update for 06/08/2023 Dear Members and Advocates, This Weekly Update brings more unity and change.  First, oral arguments were heard last week on the motion for summary judgement in the Ex Post Facto II case in the Northern District Court.  We have been asked by the attorneys to remain patient, as they are expecting to receive an opinion from

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FAC Weekly Update 2023-05-25-Thank Our Legislators

Weekly Update 2023-05-25 Dear Members and Advocates, This month we witnessed firsthand the power in numbers.  A momentum started that we cannot ignore as we progress toward our goal of abolishing the registry.  An important part of this movement that has begun is making sure that we acknowledge and thank the people in the Florida Legislature that stood up for

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Valentine’s Day musings

Weekly update 02/15/23 Dear Members and Advocates, Most think of today, Valentine’s Day, as a day reserved just for couples to honor their spouses, partners and sweethearts. But for those of us without a spouse, partner or sweetheart, we celebrate this day of LOVE in other ways. We celebrate the feeling of being loved each time someone showed they cared

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Petition asking UN to investigate sex offender registry as a violation of human rights reaches 4,000 signatures

FAC Weekly Update #246 Dear Members and Advocates, Our petition has broken 4000 signatures. It’s a number we are proud of. Considering we know how controversial our ask is, it’s also a number we are surprised to have hit. We know the number of people who open our emails and visit our website, so the number represents a large population

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