FAC’s Website – Growing Stronger and Informing More People about the Sex Offender Registry

Dear Members and Advocates, Over the past few years, the Florida Action Committee website, www.floridaactioncommittee.org, has grown significantly. What started as a static website is now a news portal for important updates on matters impacting registrants. It is a resource for studies and articles on sex offender issues. It is also a forum to exchange information and ideas – a

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Slow but Positive Movement in Public Opinion on Sex Offense Laws

Dear Members and Advocates, The biggest issue this past week has been the re-settlement of the Miami-Dade encampment. As required by law (and forced under threat of arrest by the Bovo Amendment), within 5 days of eviction, 270 people registered to the tracks have had to find new places to register. Most have settled along 36th/37th Avenue (one street away

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Calling out the liars in Sex Offense Cases – Surprise Ending

Dear Members and Advocates, This was an emotional week. 270 of our brothers and sisters were kicked out of the makeshift community they created along the railroad tracks in a warehouse district in Hialeah. An encampment of tents and discarded patio furniture built on pallets to prevent them from sleeping in puddles. There was no shelter from the elements, there

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Legislating People into Homelessness – Miami-Dade’s 270+ Sex Offender Colony

Dear Members and Advocates, Those following our site will know that it’s been a busy, hectic, stressful week. Nobody has been more stressed than the 270+ people living homeless by the railroad tracks in Hialeah. Originally, they were given a deadline of May 6, 2018 to evacuate the encampment or be arrested. When Jeff Hearne from Legal Services of Greater

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Legislation aimed at stopping Sex Trafficking contains “Trojan Horse”

Stop Enabling Sex Trafficking Law Unintended Consequences Dear Members and Advocates, In 2017, Forbes Magazine featured an opinion piece titled, “The Well-Meaning ‘Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act’ Could Be A Trojan Horse”, which was written by Larry Magid. He began the article by stating, “It’s hard for me to argue about a proposed law called Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act. After

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The Fallacy of “Second-Chance” month for Florida’s Sex Offenders

Weekly Update 2018-04-17 Dear Members and Advocates, Happy “Second Chance Month”! What does that mean? “Second Chance Month”. Is that like Black History Month where we recognize great leaders in the civil rights movement? Or is it like National Pancake Month (July) where we are supposed to eat pancakes? I checked the Wikipedia page for these observance months and didn’t

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The Hypocrisy of LGBTQ’s Treatment of a Sex Offender Employee at their Center

Weekly Update 2018-04-12 Dear Members and Advocates, This past week we have been debating an incident that took place at an LGBTQ community center. The “incident” is not exactly an incident, but the media has blown it completely out of proportion, as if a nuclear bomb had been found buried in a playground. In 1995 “CC” committed a crime for

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FDLE’s New Website for Sex Offenders and Remaining Vigilant

Weekly Update 2018-04-08 Dear Members and Advocates, Sometimes you need to have a sense of humor in this situation. We monitor the news headlines for relevant stories and yesterday several news outlets have written about the new layout of the FDLE sex offender website. It’s a non-issue from most people’s perspective, but an opportunity for the FDLE to give the

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