Are Lawmakers Finally Listening to the Facts Regarding Sex Offender Laws?

Weekly Update #13 Dear Members and Advocates, This past week, I had to do a double take when reading court filings… Twice! On the 9th, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filed an amicus brief arguing that Michigan’s sex offender registration and notification requirements are punishment and just yesterday, U.S. District Judge Keith Watkins wrote an order saying that “sex offenders

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Recognizing that the US Criminal Justice System for Sex Offenses could be the Problem, Not the Cure

Weekly Update #12 Dear Members and Advocates, On Sunday we watched the New England Patriots beat the LA Rams in Superbowl 53. For reasons having nothing to do with football or an affinity for New England, I was rooting for the Patriots. My reason was purely for criminal justice reform. The Patriot’s Owner, Robert Kraft, is among a group of

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Sex Offenders – Know the Difference Between a Sex Offence and a Probation Violation

Weekly Update #11 Dear Members and Advocates, On our site this week we featured some reminders to registrants. There is a distinction between ‘probation violations’ and ‘registration violations’. For one, conditions of your probation need to be complied with in addition to conditions of registration. Also, conditions of probation may differ from one registrant to another, while registration requirements are

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Updates on Sex Offender Law Challenges in Florida

Dear Members and Advocates, Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United States denied certiorari in Boyd v. Washington, a case out of Washington that challenged in-person registration.  Had the Supreme Court chosen to hear the case, our “in-person challenge” would have been argued for us. The fact that it won’t be heard by the SCOTUS means that our “in-person challenge”

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Charles Kushner’s Incarceration Proves a Boon to Other Victims of ‘Over-Incarceration’ in the US

Dear Members and Advocates: We’ve always said that until a politician has a family member in our situation, we’re not going to find much sympathy for our cause from the legislature. Well, we finally have someone with enough political clout that is close enough to influence the President, who is pushing for federal sentencing reform. It’s not exactly our situation,

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