FAC Weekly Update 2024-05-15- Read Your Orders

Dear Members and Advocates, On the May Monthly Membership call and in a recent post, we addressed “paper felonies” and strongly encouraged members to check their Registration paperwork for accuracy.  We have received loads of comments, emails and calls from members expressing their appreciation as they discovered and corrected errors and omissions in their paperwork that would have otherwise gone unnoticed

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-05-02-Stop Paper Arrests-Know Registry Requirements

Dear Members and Advocates, Have you heard the terms “Paper Arrest” or “Paper Felony?”  It is not likely that the general public knows what we are talking about because it only seems to apply to Persons Forced To Register (PFR). A Paper Arrest, or also called a Paper Felony, is when some error or omission in your registration paperwork results in an

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-04-22 – Veterans Support Group

Dear Members and Advocates, Our focus this week is on the Veterans and their families.  Veterans, like any other demographic, can find themselves entangled in legal issues related to sexual misconduct. Here are a few potential reasons why veterans, specifically, might end up on the sex offender registry: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other mental health issues: Some veterans may struggle with mental health

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FAC Weekly Update 2023-10-16-Ex Post Facto II Lawsuit Trial

Dear Members and Advocates, There are no words to express the drive and professionalism of your FAC Board of Directors, County Coordinators, active members and advocates that work tirelessly on behalf of all registered citizens and their affected loved ones.  Of course, none of their efforts would be possible without your help, donations, and encouragement, which is never taken for

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FAC Weekly Update 2023-10-05- Geneva and Florida Legislative Delegation Meetings

Recording #273 Dear Members and Advocates, We are just 10 days away from Geneva Switzerland!  Thanks to everyone who made a donation to the FAC General Fund last month, our President, Gail Colletta has her plane tickets, hotel accommodations and SPEECH ready to address the United Nations Human Rights Commission.  She is also scheduled for side meetings and events with

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FAC Shadow Report to the Human Rights Committee in Geneva Switzerland

Dear Members and Advocates, In just a few weeks, our president Gail Colletta will be traveling to Geneva Switzerland to meet with members of the United Nations Human Rights Committee. She will have only a few minutes to speak to the full committee in a formal presentation. Afterwards, she will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from the UN

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FAC and MCARE present to UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva Switzerland

Dear Members and Advocates,   In September 2022, our Florida Action Committee president, Gail Colletta, filed a Complaint with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva Switzerland, entitled “PETITION TO THE UNITED NATIONS TO INVESTIGATE THE UNITED STATES’ SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY AS A VIOLATION OF THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.“.   That office is the leading United Nations

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Weekly Update 2023-08-29 – Hurricane Idalia

Dear Members and Advocates, As Hurricane Idalia moves closer to shores, we are sending reminders to members to SEEK SHELTER.  Our county-by-county listing of emergency shelters is a start, but this listing is not current so please confirm with your local sheriff offices. Thanks to a report from Unbroken Dreams in Hillsborough, there is a shelter in Tampa that is approved for registered citizens.

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