Florida’s “Sex Offender Stings” Unveiled for the sham they are

Weekly Update #51 Dear Members and Advocates: When I first became involved with FAC, I fielded a lot of calls and emails from people caught up in “sex offender stings”. These “stings” are painted by law enforcement as operations seeking to catch adults trolling the internet for children to have sex with. Like most of the general public who didn’t

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Update on Florida’s Ex Post Facto PLUS case for Sex Offenders

Weekly Update #49 Dear Members and Advocates, With 2019 being the “Year of the Family”, for our 2019 legal challenge we decided not to bring a lawsuit challenging registration requirements on behalf of people on the registry, but a lawsuit challenging registration requirements on behalf of people not on the registry! The lawsuit will be brought on behalf of their

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“Epstein Bills” being pushed in Florida, as a Knee-Jerk reaction to Sex Offenses

Weekly Update #47 Dear Members and Advocates, As Hurricane Dorian continues to threaten the east coast of Florida, our first hope is that you and your families are taking precautions to keep yourselves safe from the storm. For those who are subject to evacuation orders, we have set up a post on our site to exchange information on where you

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Update on Various Legal challenges for Sex Offenders in Florida

Weekly Update #46 Dear Members and Advocates, Yesterday, a Motion for Reconsideration was submitted in the “In-Person Challenge”. Last week, a Federal District Court Judge ruled that the plaintiff, Matthew 25 Ministries, Inc. did not have standing to sue on behalf of their members. While the dismissal of the case on those grounds was disappointing, the order itself was anything

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Hype and waste of Taxpayer money – FL Sex Offender ‘stings’ in Polk and Volusia counties

Weekly Update #44 Dear Members and Advocates, If you live in Volusia or Polk Counties, chances are you were recently the target of “Operation Neptune”, “Operation Karma”, or some other creatively named law enforcement effort that spanned months, involved assistance of multiple agencies, and yielded crumbs. It’s the same template… Headlines read “Operation [INSERT OBTUSE NAME] nets [INSERT NUMBER] sex

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The Tragic Consequences of Failing to consider Empirical evidence in lawmaking

Weekly Update #43 Dear Members and Advocates, This past weekend 31 people lost their lives in mass shootings.  The cities of El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio were rocked and in the wake of the tragedies politicians and the public are scrambling to propose a “fix”. We are already familiar with the gun control debate, but if nothing changed after

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FAC’s ‘Thank You’ to Sex Offender Therapists in Broward, Polk, Hillsborough, and Sarasota Counties

Weekly Update #40 Dear Members and Advocates, The message of this week’s update is “Support”.  Whether you are seeking support, offer support, or have knowledge of support resources, we need to hear from you.  Please submit a referral using the new “Add a Resource” form on the Resources page at https://floridaactioncommittee.org/resource-referral-submission/. With the help of our County Coordinators, the FAC

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