Florida’s Failure: felon disenfranchisement gone wrong

Weekly Update #104 Dear Members and Advocates, On Friday we posted something that received positive feedback so we’ll reference it here and encourage everyone to take a read through it when you have time. The post made me theorize about the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution (found at Article IV, Section 2), which states that “the citizens of

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Private Donations Driving Legislation in Brevard County Florida?

Weekly Update #101 Dear Members and Advocates, We start this week’s update with an apology to “Pariah.oo1″, who had posted a comment to our discussion on the proposed amendment to the Brevard Ordinance. The proposed amendment would allow private businesses to create 1000 foot buffer zones around themselves, thereby preventing someone on the registry from entering into the exclusion zone,

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“Sex Offender Exclusion Zones” in Brevard County Florida

Weekly Update #99 Dear Members and Advocates, This week a “fire” erupted and we saw an example of why it is so important we stay organized and able to mobilize quickly. Brevard County is seeking to amend their proximity ordinance to allow private businesses to register themselves as “child oriented”, thereby establishing itself as a landmark around which a 1000

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Legislating Homelessness – Miami-Dade County Florida’s Shameful Treatment of Sex Offenders

Weekly Update #96 Dear Members and Advocates, For those following our site, you know that one of our biggest concerns is homelessness. Policies that legislate people into homelessness make no sense and have been proven to be counter-productive. Yet some individuals are so intent on punishing anyone labeled a “sex offender” they lose sight of reality and humanity. For more

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The Unequal Violation of US Citizens’ Rights on the Sex Offender Registry

Weekly Update #94 Dear Members and Advocates, In 1964, the United States passed a long overdue Civil Rights Act that outlawed discrimination against other human beings based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Among other provisions, the new law prohibited unequal application of voter registration requirements, ended racial segregation in schools, and outlawed discrimination in employment and public

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A Challenge to Miami-Dade’s sex offender residency restriction

Weekly Update #93 Dear Members and Advocates, This morning, oral arguments in Doe v. Miami-Dade (the challenge to Miami-Dade’s sex offender residency restriction that has left hundreds of individuals without anyplace to live) took place before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. While we anxiously await the decision, we can say that attorney Daniel Tilley from the ACLU did a

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The Fallacy of Stigmatizing an entire group because of the few “bad apples”

Weekly Update #91 Dear Members and Advocates, As we begin to emerge from the coronavirus shut-down, we enter another period of unrest and uncertainty. Across this country, groups of people are hitting the streets to protest the tragic and senseless killing of George Floyd. George was an African-American man, who was killed during an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The officer

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