Irresponsible behavior by Volusia County Sheriff’s Dept in Florida

Weekly Update #143 Dear Members and Advocates, Yesterday, the Volusia County Sheriffs Office made a mistake. Instead of sending a text message alert (that a registrant had moved into the community) to only the people within 1000 feet of his new residence (as intended), they blasted it out to the whole county. Clearly it’s embarrassing for your immediate neighbors to

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Patty Wetterling and the Highjacking of the Sex Offender Registry

Weekly Update #141 Dear Members and Advocates, So much respect is deserved by Patty Wetterling. In 1989, Patty’s son Jacob was abducted and killed near their home in Minnesota. Three years after Jacob’s abduction, Minnesota enacted a registry in his memory and a couple years after that, the federal government did the same. In fact, the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against

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Florida Senate Bill 234 – More useless Legislation created out of animosity rather than evidence

Weekly Update #140 Dear Members and Advocates, It might not seem like it, but we did accomplish something significant last week from our Call to Action on Senate Bill 234. We made our objection known and we showed that our members can raise their voices and raise awareness in Tallahassee. Here’s the reality of the situation on SB234… It’s sponsored

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Florida Senate Bills 234 and 932 – Substituting Emotional Animus for Evidence-based laws

Weekly Update #139 Dear Members and Advocates: We have been calling on our members to contact their lawmakers to oppose two bills that are making their way through the Senate this term. SB 932 (Prohibiting a court from granting time-sharing with a minor child to a parent registered as a sexual offender or sexual predator under certain circumstances) and SB

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Wakulla County’s misguided war on the City Walk Urban Mission

Weekly Update #137 Dear Members and Advocates, During the past couple of weeks we got a lesson in how cloudy Florida politics are. It’s not like we are surprised –  we have constantly heard stories from our President’s trips to Tallahassee – but to see it in action is extremely disheartening. The lessons we’re talking about came from Senator Lauren

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“Piling On” more legislation without evidence in Florida against Sex Offenders

Weekly Update #136 Dear Members and Advocates, There are three bills making their way through Committees, which we need to keep our eyes on and do our best to voice opposition against. They are: CS/SB 234: Registration of Sexual Predators and Sexual Offenders or its companion Bill in the House HB 193 . This bill, introduced by Senator Lauren Book,

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The Miami-Dade homeless sex offender encampment

Weekly Update #133 Dear Members and Advocates, Occasionally, I ask you to put yourself into the shoes of someone else. Imagine yourself one of the 100+ registrants who are currently living transient in a Miami-Dade homeless encampment because residence restrictions leave you nowhere to live. Imagine you are one of the 30+ registrants who are being held in a Highlands

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