Sexual Offenders & Trauma-Informed Care
The following are the presentation materials from Harry Morgan and Ken Hulata, who presented at the Florida ATSA conference last month. Sex_Offender_Trauma-Morgan_FATSA-190309 (1)
Read moreThe following are the presentation materials from Harry Morgan and Ken Hulata, who presented at the Florida ATSA conference last month. Sex_Offender_Trauma-Morgan_FATSA-190309 (1)
Read more2 months ago, Registrant Travel Action Group, Inc (RTAG) put on retainer a Mexican Immigration lawyer and an American/Mexican lawyer to wrtite a report examining Mexican authorities application and enforcement of the Gaurdian Angel program. Working with Matt Ameika ( ) and Luis Fernandez of Mexico City, we present the attached report.This report is the foundation in an atteptto reverse the
Read moreFor several months an individual operating as “The Joseph Spencer Pratt Justice Reform Advocacy Group”, an unincorporated entity, has been circulating emails cc’ed to FAC, other advocacy groups and individuals. FAC has determined it necessary to expressly ensure that anyone receiving these emails is aware that FAC has no affiliation with this Group. While the individual behind it is probably
Read moreThe Florida Department of Law Enforcement just launched a mobile app ( The App, which has versions for Android and iOS, incorporates the sex offender registry. Several other apps feature sex offender searches and maps, so this is nothing new or novel.
Read moreFAC, its members, and the registered citizen community are best served by complete solidarity. We do each other a disservice when we engage in partisan preaching. There are enough sources out there for divisive views, we need not introduce them here. We have limited resources and a very clear mission. Let’s stick to that. If an open and fact-based debate
Read moreHopefully you have taken the opportunity to read or listen to the recent oral arguments in the Gundy v. United States case. By many measures, it was a very good start in the Supreme Court case which challenges the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act of 2006 (SORNA) on the grounds that it unconstitutionally delegates legislative powers to the Executive.
Read moreIf you found the transcripts too long or difficult to read, you can now listen to the audio of oral arguments in Gundy:
Read moreRegistrants are still at the Miami-Dade Encampment. Some, because their GPS monitoring will trigger if they leave the area (probation has them designated to) and they don’t want to violate probation and go back to prison for that. Others, because they realize there’s noplace for them to go and they will be violating the overnight camping ordinance wherever they are,
Read moreUnlike some social media platforms that prevent someone on the registry from creating an account, prevents anyone in the same household as a sex offender from creating an account. That includes, spouses, children, roommates and anyone else who happens to share the same address as a registrant. In response to inquiries from members, Nextdoor claims that this policy is
Read more@F_A_Committee calls on @FLHouseDems and @FLGOPMajority to VOTE NO on HB1301! This is a BAD BILL! copy @AaronPBean, @ALJacquet, @ambermariano, @anitere_flores, @asencio2016, @BenDiamondFL, @BillGalvano, @BillMontford, @BlaiseIngoglia, @bobbypaynefl, @Book4Senate, @braddrake5, @BryanAvilaFL, @ByronDonalds, @CarlosGSmith, @CaryPigman, @ChrisLatvala, @ChrisSprowls, @ChuckClemons21, @ClemensFL, @ColleenLBurton, @CordByrd, @CortesBob, @Daisyjbaez, @DanaYoungFL, @DaneEagle, @DannyBurgessFL, @darrylrouson, @david4florida, @DavidRSilvers, @debbie_mayfield, @denisegrimsley, @dennisbaxley, @dhahnflt, @DorothyHukill, @DougBroxson, @dsantiago457, @DSimmonsFL, @DuranForFlorida, @EmilySlosberg, @ErinGrall, @evanjenne, @FrankWhiteFL,
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