FAC in the News – PRESS RELEASE Regarding the Green License Plates

Senator Lauren Book waited until after-hours on the 50th day of the Legislative session to submit an amendment to SB 1252 (#589098 filed 4/25/2023 at 9:02pm) that would require special fluorescent green license plates assigned to persons forced to register (PFR) as sex offenders.  FAC Immediately issued the following Press Release: Florida State Senator Lauren Book Proposes Special Fluorescent Green

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Are you an older woman in a relationship with an incarcerated man?

Seeking Participants for a Research Study.  Pamela Desin is a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Kentucky pursuing a PhD in Gerontology. Her research is on the lived experiences of older women in a relationship with an incarcerated man. She is seeking to interview women that meet the following criteria: • You must be 50 years or older • You must

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City of Jacksonville SUED Over Halloween Sign Ordinance

In advance of Halloween, which is just about two months away, the City of Jacksonville has been SUED over their Halloween sign ordinance. Two brave registrants have taken on the City of Jacksonville (with the representation of Dante Trevisani and Ray Taseff of the Florida Justice Institute – the same FJI that is suing Brevard County over their Proximity Ordinance),

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IL: Joliet has plan to force convicted sex offenders to move from their home: Build a park nearby

Joliet City Council members unanimously voted Tuesday night to buy a house, with plans demolish it and turn the land into a park — a tactic they hope will legally allow them to force out convicted sex offenders who are living in an apartment building nearby. The move has drawn the ire of the company that houses the sex offenders

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Free Viewing of “Untouchable” – Everyone needs to see this film

In 2016, producers David Feige and Rebecca Richman Cohen released the documentary “Untouchable” and it continues to be one of the most powerful films that chronicles the origin of why we have such harsh laws today for sexual offenses. The documentary, which is described in the review below, aims to “recognize the many shades of sex crimes and seeks a better

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