Capitol Punishment: The Troubling Consequences of Federal Child Pornography Laws

In 2011 a federal appeals court called into question the justice of current federal sentences for child pornography possession. Current sentencing rules routinely result in prison terms that meet or exceed the 20-year statutory maximum for the charges, regardless of whether the person has done anything more than just look at the wrong photo online. The appeals court viewed such punishment as “outrageously high.”

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The Role of Media in the Creation of Sex Offender Hysteria.

LAKE MONROE, FLORIDA – April 17, 2014 Yesterday, national newspapers featured the story of Todd Hoffner, the Minnesota State University Coach who, in 2012, was fired and charged for the alleged; “use of a minor to engage in a sexual performance … and possession of a pornographic work involving minors”. Looking at headlines from 2012, the media was very quick

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How Many Convictions Are Questionable in Light of Sting Exposure.

Lake Monroe, FL— September 25, 2013. How Many Convictions Are Questionable in Light of Sting Exposure.  Imagine someone offers you a cigarette, you accept and about halfway through smoking it they tell you the cigarette contains marijuana and they are arresting you for possession. The cigarette never actually contained marijuana and you never sought out drugs, but you get arrested

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“Bookville” 3 – Colonies of Homeless Sex Offenders Continue to Grow and Generate Media Attention.

Lake Monroe, FL— September 25, 2013. “Bookville” 3 – Colonies of Homeless Sex Offenders Continue to Grow and Generate Media Attention. “Bookville” – the name that has become associated with a colony of sex offenders forced to live homeless as a consequence of residency restrictions pushed through by lobbyist Ron Book, which is in its third incarnation, is beginning to

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Legislators Are Well Intended But Misguided. Citizens Should Not Be.

Legislators Are Well Intended But Misguided. Citizens Should Not Be. The 2014 Legislative session will see a number of bills that are proposed and likely to pass regarding the sex offender registry. As our state continues to pass more and more laws named for a victim, costly repetition is occurring. Such laws are passed with no consideration for empirical evidence

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