Texas sex offender registry investigation

As presented by NBC News4 San Antonio   Bruce Cameron, a sex offender treatment provider, says some registered persons have told him that doing prison was easy, but being on the registry is a life sentence.  He is in favor of deregulating registered persons who are low risk.  That way resources for law enforcement could be freed up to monitor

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Ron Book Predicts Miami Will End Homelessness Next Year (Updated)

As we previously reported in the Florida News Radio post, Ron Book is promising to make the Miami/Dade area the first urban area in the nation to end homelessness as we know it today. In an interview with Glenna Milberg of Local10 News WPLG, Book gave a most impressive interview, giving plenty of documentation to show how he planned on

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USA TODAY: The complicated research behind pedophilia

Some facts pointed out in the USA TODAY’s most recent article on pedophilia: Research suggests that pedophilia is determined in the womb and is neurological. “Not all people who sexually abuse children are pedophiles; some pedophiles never abuse children.” “Anna Salter, a psychologist, author, and internationally recognized expert who has done over 500 evaluations of high-risk sex offenders,…says ‘Pedophiles may

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