Ohio Supreme Court rules Violent Offender Database can be retroactive.

In a decision out of the Ohio Supreme Court today, the Court ruled that ‘Sierah’s Law,’ (creating a violent offender database, which became effective March 20, 2019) does not violate Ohio’s constitutional prohibition on retroactive statutes, when retroactively applied to an offense that occurred before March 20, 2019. Interestingly, the Court analogized the violent offender database to the sex offender

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Man Sentenced to Life for Killing Sex Offender Cellmate

A judge in Florida this week sentenced a 44-year-old man to spend the remainder of his life behind bars for the brutal murder of his former prison cellmate—a convicted child sex offender—whose throat he crushed. “Inmate Carruthers strangled Inmate Kever and forcefully stomped his throat area that led to his death,” arresting documents reportedly stated. “Inmate Carruthers showed no regard for

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NACDL comments on Model Penal Code

This document was put out by the The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) at the beginning of this year, but it is very useful and filled with valuable information. You are encouraged to read and share it with others and apply the reasoning and research to your arguments when seeking abolition of the registry. comments-to-ali-on-draft-model-penal-code-on-sex-offender-registries-january-2021-.pdf

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Bill would bar federal pension to convicted child predators

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mt., wants to ensure this doesn’t happen again and on Monday re-introduced the Denying Pensions to Convicted Child Molesters Act. The bluntly titled bill would automatically stop, upon conviction, tax dollars from going to pay for the retirement of child predators who worked for the federal government. Daines previously introduced the bill in May 2019 and again

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ACTION NEEDED: NARSOL Press Release: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children issues press release attacking some of the American Law Institute’s recent recommendations for registries

Recently, the American Law Institute (ALI) proposed that the registry “be taken out of online accessibility and be, as they were originally intended, in only the domain of law enforcement.”  ALI used research-based data along with experts in the field and clinicians to develop their recommendations. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), co-founded by John and Reve

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ACTION NEEDED: FSUNews.com, this article is an example of bad journalism

Jacob Goetz with FSUNews.com for Florida State students in Tallahassee, FL, stated that according to the Tampa Bay Times, “2017 through 2020 saw a particular increase in crime on Halloween night
Some of the most common crimes committed on Halloween are assault, battery, vandalism and SEXUAL ASSAULT.”  When you read the article that Mr. Goetz references in the Tampa Bay Times,

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REASON: Federal Judges Are Increasingly Rebelling Against ‘Overly Severe’ Penalties for Nonviolent Sex Offenders

Two recent reports from the U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) shed light on the legal treatment of sex offenders and further undermine the prevailing assumption that all members of that broad class pose similar threats to public safety. That assumption, which underlies both harsh punishments and indiscriminate registration requirements, is demonstrably wrong. In fiscal year 2019, according to a USSC report

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