OnceFallen: ACTION ALERT! Colorado SOMB open comments on language change

On Nov. 19th, the Colorado “Sex Offender” Management Board proposed changing the term “sex offender” to “adults who commit sex offenses” in their treatment guidelines. (Interestingly, they had previously changed the language for juveniles in a similar manner without controversy.) Personally, I don’t feel the new label is an improvement as it still implies a current and ever-present danger by

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Iowa Supreme Court says delayed parole for sex offenders isn’t unconstitutional

The Iowa Supreme Court has ruled that the state is not wrongfully detaining sex offenders by delaying the treatment they must complete to be considered for parole. The opinion issued Tuesday states that the Iowa Department of Corrections has acted reasonably in attempting to address the fact there are too many sex offenders in the system to provide treatment on

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We don’t advocate for crime, we advocate for people.

We don’t advocate for crime, we advocate for people… That’s what I have to remind people over and over again when they say “oh, Florida Action Committee
 you’re the group that fights for sex offenders.” No! That’s absolutely not true. We don’t advocate for ‘people who commit sex offenses’ because we are very much against sexual offending. If someone is

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Veterans in prisons

The Bureau of Justice Statistics released in March of 2021 a report on the number of veterans in prisons using data from 2016. The 2016 BJS report shows in Table 3 that male veterans who were incarcerated for a violent sexual offense made up 26.4% of male veterans in state prisons and 7.2% of male veterans in federal prisons.  Male

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Rethinking the ‘Sex Offender’ Label By Derek W. Logue

Last week, on Nov. 19, members of the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) took a critical first step in altering the language used to label those convicted of a sexual offense while in treatment towards a “person-first” perspective. This effort was not without opposition. The victim advocates and representatives from county prosecutors unsuccessfully attempted to table the vote and

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NY: Legal battle ensues over sex offenders staying at motel

Tim Rogers, Mayor of the Village of New Paltz, and Bettez met with the owner of the motel last year to discuss the decision-making behind providing housing for sex offenders. Bettez said the owner said it was for financial reasons after motel business was negatively affected by the pandemic with fewer travelers and short-term guests during lockdown. The owner of

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