Ocala man torches neighbor’s home because of rumor victim was a pedophile, police say

Ocala police arrested a man Monday who they believe started a fire that damaged a mobile home in early December. Kenneth Bryant, 42, was arrested at Wagon Wheel Mobile Home Park. According to the arrest report, Bryant told police he couldn’t remember the incident because he was too intoxicated but said he was not fond of the victim because of

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Recent out of state challenge filed in Northern District of Florida

Attorney Ann Fitz has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a man who remains on the Florida sex offender registry, despite moving back to Oklahoma, the state where his underlying offense occurred and a state from which his registration obligation was removed. The case also includes a second component, whether the FDLE was authorized to make a unilateral decision that

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Members of homeless camp arrested on charges of violating probation after camp was shut down

A group of homeless people was arrested Friday afternoon for violating probation after their camp, where they were required by their probation officers to stay, was shut down and there was nowhere else for them to go. Of the 13 people who had been living at the camp, at least seven had GPS monitors or ankle bracelets registered to the site

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Hawaiʻi Attorney General Opposes Proposed Changes to Sex Crimes in Model Penal Code

Hawaiʻi Attorney General Clare Connors and MIssissippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch are leading a bipartisan coalition of 37 Attorneys General that is urging the American Law Institute to reject proposed changes to the Model Penal Code that would weaken states’s abilities to prosecute sexual assault, abuse, exploitation and trafficking crimes. The proposed changes to Section 213 of the code also

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A shallow dive into new Justice Department’s Rules on SORNA

Yesterday, the US Department of Justice issued its Ruling on the registration requirements under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) that will become effective on January 7, 2022. I will refer to this summary as a “shallow dive” because the document issued by the Attorney General yesterday was 32 pages so there is a lot to unpack and

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‘Literally nowhere else they can go’: Homeless camp shutdown leaves people with few options

Another homeless camp is planned to be bulldozed leaving more registered citizens and others homeless in Brevard County.  A search of FDLE records showed only two persons with a Transient status in Brevard County because the County is registering such camp locations as a permanent address, which also requires the camp residents to use that property address on their Driver’s

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Plea Bargaining and Mass Incarceration

The United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. Overcriminalisation means courts have too many cases to try so plea bargaining has become a convenient mechanism for mass adjudication. Watch Premal Dharia, Executive Director of the Institute to end Mass Incarceration and Fair Trials’ Rebecca Shaeffer explain why plea bargaining has become both a facilitator and

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The Dobbs Wire: New SORNA regulations issued – effective Jan. 7, 2022

Headsup!  New SORNA regulations were issued today – take effect Jan. 7, 2022.  They will impact everybody on a sex offense registry. In the last months of the Trump administration the Department of Justice (DOJ) suddenly issued draft regulations under the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).  The draft regulations were published as required and hundreds of comments

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