Great Decision: Butts County Sheriff’s Halloween Signs Violate the First Amendment.

A great decision just out from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals (FLORIDA’S CIRCUIT 🙂 ). The signs Butts County (Georgia) Sheriff posted in front of registrant’s homes right before Halloween are compelled speech and violate the First Amendment. This is a great decision, for multiple reasons. First, it’s in our circuit, so it’s binding precedent. Second, many municipalities in

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FAC Position Statement on Senate Bill 1932

January 19, 2022 To ALL Senators of the State of Florida                                     SENT VIA EMAIL and ALL Members of the Florida House of Representatives RE:     OPPOSITION TO SB 1932: SEXUAL         PREDATORS AND SEXUAL OFFENDERS Dear Legislators: I am President of the Florida Action Committee (FAC), a 2,500+ member non-profit organization that advocates for public safety and laws based on

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Bill proposes to change definition of “day”

Senate bill 1932, filed by Senator Hooper, once again seeks to change the definition of “day”. The language, contained in the definition of “Permanent Residence”, “Temporary Residence” or “Transient Residence” states, “A day includes any part of a calendar day.” This would be disastrous. It would require registrants to register where they are physically present four or more times a

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UPDATED: Call to Action: Suggested guidelines for contacting the Florida Safety & Justice Task Force

For those people who have asked for guidelines on what to send to the members of the newly appointed Florida Safety & Justice Task Force, I am posting my thoughts but would also like for others to add their own ideas in the Comments’ Section along with any research that you feel these members should be aware of. I will

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ACSOL Files SORNA Regulations Complaint with DOJ’s Inspector General

SOURCE: ACSOL The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) today filed a complaint regarding the new SORNA regulations with the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice. According to that complaint, the regulations are unlawful for several reasons. First, the regulations are not based on empirical evidence which demonstrate that most individuals required to register no longer pose

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Member Submission: Lessons from Dr. Martin Luther King, by Don

I am delighted that our country officially recognizes the many accomplishments of Martin Luther King by celebrating this special day. We honor not only Dr. King but also the many other heroic leaders of the civil rights movement. In the face of terrible prejudice and discrimination, they bravely pointed out the injustice, even when to do so placed their lives

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