SB 1798 “Sexually Related Offenses” heads to Governor’s Desk

SB 1798 has passed the Senate and is heading to the Governor for signature. The bill does the following: “Increasing the monetary damages that an aggrieved person may receive as a result of violations relating to sexual cyberharassment; revising the prohibition on sexual activities with animals; prohibiting the willful and malicious promotion of certain sexual depictions without consent; prohibiting a

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In Defense of the Defenders: Our Overlooked Attorneys in the Anti-Registry Movement Derek W. Logue

“—Didn’t do it, lawyer f**ked me.” – Heywood, “The Shawshank Redemption Know any good lawyer jokes? Do you also feel your lawyer also screwed you like they screwed Heywood in The Shawshank Redemption? Do you feel like all lawyers go the 4th circle of hell, where they spend eternity rolling two giant boulders around hells circle until they clang together

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UPDATED: The Catch-22 for New York’s Disabled, Homeless Sex-Offender Registrants

Yes, this law review article is three years old. No need to message that this is old. However, it is timely in light of Justice Sotomayor’s comments in Ortiz. Please read the article and appreciate the writer. For YEARS we have been screaming about individuals being LEGISLATED INTO HOMELESSNESS and for years we’ve been ignored. Hopefully Justice Sotomayor’s statement resonates.

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Removing VA Barriers to Housing and Treatment for Military Veterans With Sexual Offenses

Below is a link to a just released study on housing and treatment for military veterans with sexual offenses. Across U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) surveys conducted since 1998, male U.S. military veterans are incarcerated for sexual offenses at nearly twice the rate of civilians. However, postincarceration, these veterans face daunting obstacles to securing such services, including exclusion from housing

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Nursing home background-check bill sees strong opposition

A bill that would require long-term care facilities to check if prospective residents have a criminal history or are on the sex offender registry before they are admitted drew some heated opposition Wednesday from organizations representing providers and an advocate for abolishing the sex offender registry. At one point, Anwar and Cindy Prizio, executive director One Standard of Justice, an advocate

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Is the Sex Offender Registry Fair?

Sexual offenses are serious crimes. There is no doubt that the intentions behind creating the laws meant to punish and deter sex offenders were noble. However, according to opponents of the sex offender registration laws, such as Human Rights Watch, there is no proof that these laws achieved the purpose they were designed for. As a former sex crimes prosecutor,

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