Opponent sues Lauren Book for Libel and Slander

Barbara Shareef, who is running against Lauren Book for the Democratic nomination for Senate, filed suit Friday alleging that Book and her campaign engaged in false and deceptive campaign ads that blatantly lie about Shareef’s position on many issues. In the complaint, Shareef gives multiple examples where images were taken out of context (for example, an image of Shareef holding

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Kansas Supreme Court Holds Registration Violation is a Strict Liability Crime

Not knowing you have to register something or not having the mental capacity to understand how to register is not a defense to a registration violation according to the Supreme Court of Kansas. A person required to register in Kansas was convicted of a failure to register offense. He was required to report quarterly, every May, August, November, and February,

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Sex offender kills himself after conviction

An Alabama man who was convicted of trying to have sex with a teenager in Marianna is dead. Authorities said he killed himself Wednesday night while awaiting his sentencing. Prison officials said he was discovered dead in his cell around 12:30 a.m. Thursday. Law enforcement arrested 44-year-old Jason Earl Kirkland in May of last year. Kirkland thought he was meeting a 14-year-old

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Cumberland sheriff announcement had no public safety value, may have caused harm

In Fayetteville last week, what could and should have been a warm, human-interest story about homelessness was re-shaped by law enforcement into something entirely different. The real story is about those who take very literally the Biblical admonitions to serve the least of those in society, to help our neighbors and to do unto others as we would want done

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RealPage incorrect sex offender data $9.73M class action lawsuit settlement

RealPage agreed to pay over $9.73 million to resolve claims that it violated the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) by allowing incorrect sex offender registry data on tenant screening reports. The class action lawsuit settlement benefits individuals who were subject to a RealPage report between June 14, 2017, and March 2, 2021, where the report included a record from

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Idaho “crimes against nature” lawsuit heads towards settlement

After nearly two years, Idaho is moving towards settling a case over how it handles sex offenders convicted of sodomy crimes. The lawsuit filed in September 2020 involves two men. One, who is anonymous, was convicted of so-called “crimes against nature” in another state for performing oral sex on his wife. Idaho’s sex offender registry law forces anyone to sign

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Lets call out Florida for not caring about children

The state of Florida is reporting such a severe shortage of teachers that it has recently announced a program to hire military veterans and spouses with absolutely no teaching experience or educational qualification to teach our children. Counties across the state are reporting thousands of vacancies as teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers. Florida school districts are getting

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IMPORTANT UPDATE – CALL TO ACTION: Brevard County Commission Meeting AUG 2

UPDATE – HOPE TO SEE YOU at the Brevard Commission Meeting.  Please arrive by 4:30 pm to avoid delay at security screening. Tuesday  August 2, 2022, 5:00 PM, at 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, building C, Viera, FL 32940 The agenda for the forthcoming Brevard County Commission meeting has been posted and they WILL be discussing the amendment to their sexual

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House overwhelmingly passes Smith’s newest legislation to combat human trafficking

“Today’s legislation will also reauthorize the amazing work being done by Homeland Security’s Angel Watch Center—a project mandated by my International Megan’s Law (IML) enacted in 2016,” said Smith, Co-chair of the Human Trafficking Caucus, which he co-founded 15 years ago. “In just a few years under IML, the Angel Watch Center has made more than 19,000 notifications of planned travel by

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Please respond to Brevard calls to action

In case you missed yesterday’s Weekly Update, Brevard will do a second read of a proposed amendment to a proximity ordinance that would allow private businesses to self-designate themselves “places where children congregate” in order to prevent registrants from literally being within 1000 feet of their businesses. It was bad enough when politicians could install “pocket parks” to keep out

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