The Dobbs Wire: SOLPRC’s Guide for Practitioners to New Federal SORNA Regulations Effective January 7, 2022 Just Published

The Dobbs Wire:  Just published!  The Sex Offense Litigation and Policy Resource Center (SOLPRC) has just issued an “explainer” for attorneys about the new, complicated, and murky federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) regulations which took effect earlier this year.  Get informed and make sure your legal eagles have a copy of the guide!  –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs

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Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2022 provides the most comprehensive look at U.S. incarceration since the start of the pandemic

the Prison Policy Initiative released Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2022, compiling national data sources to offer the most comprehensive view of how many people are locked up in the U.S. — and where they are being held — since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The report explains how the pandemic has impacted prison and jail populations, and pieces together the

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The U.S. carceral system is overly punitive

The United States has the most punitive criminal legal system in the world, containing 25 percent of the world’s prison population. Prisons and jails in the United States are overcrowded, unsanitary and dehumanizing. In comparison to many other nations, the United States employs prison as a response to offenses more frequently and incarcerates people for longer periods of time. The

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SC Legislature can’t keep delaying fix on sex-offender registry

Nearly a year ago, as The Post and Courier’s Seanna Adcox reminds us, the high court ruled unanimously that South Carolina’s toughest-in-the-nation sex offender registry is unconstitutional, because it gives an unappealable lifetime sentence to people most of us wouldn’t think of as dangerous sex offenders. And the Legislature did nothing. For nearly 11 months, and counting. Three lawmakers introduced

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Pennsylvania Sex Offender Appeals Florida Law Keeping Him On The Sex Offender Registry

A Pennsylvania man has launched an appeal after a Leon County circuit judge dismissed his challenge to a Florida law that kept him on a sexual-offender registry after a 10-day family vacation to Walt Disney World in 2015. The man, identified in court documents as John Doe, filed a notice Wednesday that he was taking the case to the 1st

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The Dobbs Wire: Videos now online!

The Dobbs Wire:  Videos!   The videos are now online from a remarkable conference at Metro State University in St. Paul, MN, on April 8th.  An annual event devoted to mass incarceration matters, organizers made a big shift by dedicating this year’s conclave to sexual violence and the scandalous Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP).  By various measures MSOP is the worst such

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The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) to challenge the federal SORNA regulations that became effective in January 2022.  As a signatory to the MOU, ACSOL has agreed to serve as a named plaintiff in the lawsuit which will be filed in the Central district of

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