The Jacksonville Sign Ordinance

Making headlines in Jacksonville is the news that the Sheriff’s department will not enforce it’s “sign ordinance” this year (and until the outcome of a lawsuit pending challenging the signs or some settlement between the parties). Jacksonville has an ordinance which stated: Any person designated a Sexual Offender or Sexual Predator shall: (i) Avoid all Halloween related contact with children;

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Rules on where New Mexico sex offenders can register addresses raises eyebrows

It’s one of the busiest areas in Albuquerque, surrounded by shopping, a skate park, and several schools and parks. So why is a registered sex offender living out of his car in the Cottonwood Mall parking lot? One might assume he must be breaking the rules but he hasn’t done anything wrong. Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Jeffrey Scott Hunter

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Jacksonville agrees to stop requiring sex offenders to post “no candy” signs at Halloweeen

This Halloween, the city of Jacksonville will stop enforcing a local ordinance that required registered sex offenders to post a “no candy or treats here” sign every year. The city agreed to stop enforcing the law in response to a federal lawsuit it faced challenging the law’s constitutionality. The lawsuit had cited a recent decision by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that

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City of Jacksonville won’t enforce sign requirement for sex offenders on Halloween due to federal lawsuit

There was a hearing Thursday in the case, and Greene was at the federal courthouse in downtown Jacksonville. He didn’t talk with News4JAX, but his attorney, Ray Taseff, had plenty to say about why they believe the law is unconstitutional. “Compelling people to put a sign on their property is a violation of the First Amendment. The First Amendment protects

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PLEASE COMMENT ON THE SOURCE: What do you think about Jacksonville not enforcing the sign requirement for sex offenders on Halloween?

Two registered sex offenders filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Jacksonville because they want to decorate for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays. Thursday, the offenders asked the judge to pause the city sign requirement outside their home because they believe it’s unconstitutional. Sex offenders in Jacksonville are required to have signs posted outside their home that read

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Amazon sued for wrongly using Megan’s Law website information.

Here’s one we’ve not seen before. A plaintiff has initiated a class action lawsuit against Amazon and it’s background check company for illegally using California’s sex offender registry information as part of it’s employment screening process. Plaintiff was convicted of a sexual offense in 2011, served his sentence and was working diligently to get his life back. He applied for

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No more statute of limitations for minor victims of sexual offenses

Last week President Biden signed the Eliminating Limits to Justice for Child Sex Abuse Victims Act into law. The act eliminates the statute of limitations for a minor victim of a human trafficking offense or federal sex offense to file a civil action to recover damages. The text of the law can be seen here: The new law eliminates

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Victory in Supreme Court of Virginia against out-of-control prosecution

Justices declare effort targeting leading advocate illegal, ending 5-year court battle On Thursday, the highest court in Virginia ended the Commonwealth’s 13-year campaign to indefinitely detain a prominent advocate on criminal justice matters, Galen Baughman. In a victory for justice the Supreme Court ruled that the petition filed against Baughman in 2017 was illegal.  Baughman v. Commonwealth A Short History

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A follow-up to our in-person college post

Just before this post we posted another story about a NY political candidate who (as a ploy to get elected) has suggested a bill to prevent people who are required to register as a sex offender from attending college classes in person. (see: Sometimes we share a story about a proposed bill on something and it just seems to

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