ACSOL: Amended Complaint Filed in SORNA Regulations Lawsuit

Source: ACSOL An amended complaint was filed in federal district court yesterday in the lawsuit challenging SORNA regulations which became effective in January 2022.  The amended complaint adds three plaintiffs using the pseudonyms “John Does 2, 3 and 4.”  The amended complaint also includes the two original plaintiffs —  John Doe 1 and ACSOL. According to the amended complaint, John

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Put People First When Discussing Child Sexual Abuse

We live in a world where it’s become commonplace to lob labels like “pedo” and “groomer” at people with whom we disagree. As someone who has researched child sexual abuse for more than 30 years, I’m pleased that science is moving away from using stigmatizing labels and toward person-first language to communicate more clearly and respectfully. It’s my hope that

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Judge Holds Federal Bureau of Prisons in Contempt for Allowing Man To Waste Away From Untreated Cancer

In a scathing opinion, a federal judge held the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) in civil contempt and levied sanctions against the agency last week for allowing an incarcerated man to waste away from untreated cancer, as well as for willfully ignoring and misleading the court. U.S. District Judge Roy Dalton for the Middle District of Florida wrote that the BOP should

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‘Nationally-recognized’ teacher arrested in Fort Lauderdale for sex assault on minor after Tinder meet

A teacher who has worked in schools in Miami-Dade and Broward and who received a presidential award is facing charges in Broward County Court for allegedly sexually assaulting a 16-year-old boy who went on to write a college entry essay about it in school, police said. XXXXXXXXXXX, who was born in Texas but lives in Fort Lauderdale, is accused of

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Today is World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma surrounding mental health. Mental health is something many of us are struggling with. Whether it’s the issues that got you into trouble in the first place, whether it’s the trouble you got into that created the trauma in your life, or

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TX: More than a dozen sex offenders in Lamesa ordered to move

More than a dozen registered sex offenders are living too close to children, that’s according to the Lamesa Police Department. The chief of police confirmed that 19 residents received notices stating they were in violation of the city’s code of ordinances. Eugene Gaspar is a registered sex offender who said the department gave him 90 days to move, or face

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