Teens will finally have a way to proactively stop the spread of intimate images.

Last year, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) released data showing that it received overwhelmingly more reports of child sexual abuse materials (CSAM) from Facebook than any other web service it tracked. Where other popular social platforms like Twitter and TikTok had tens of thousands of reports, Facebook had 22 million. Today, Facebook announced new efforts to

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Canada: Despite no public sex offender registry, recidivism rate has dropped by nearly 70%

In the past, the Canadian government followed in the footsteps of its American counterpart by enacting “sex offender laws.” Since the 1990s, however, the Canadian criminal justice system has taken a different approach to the issue of sex offender recidivism (SOR), focusing on treatment, rehabilitation, and community risk management. Over a two-year period, her research team surveyed the entire Canadian

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Sound Familiar? Dodge County sex offenders face challenges in registering

A local convicted sex offender — Ronald Eugene Teeslink Jr., 38, of Fremont — contacted the Fremont Tribune after his repeated efforts to comply with Nebraska’s sex offender registration requirements under his sentencing were unsuccessful. Teeslink Jr. said he twice attempted to comply with the law on Friday, Dec. 16, after he was hired for a new job — one

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Fake Victims Lead to Real Arrests in Online Child Sex Stings

By Steven Yoder Federally funded police task forces carry out thousands of online stings each year, despite little evidence that they prevent abuse. However, the law enforcement agencies that run these task forces receive funding based in part on how many arrests and convictions they get. This may create an incentive to pursue fictitious-victim sting operations, which are often cheaper

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Scranton ordinance on where registered sex offenders can live remains contrary to court decision

Their residence, about 940 feet from a school, is contrary to an unenforced Scranton ordinance that remains part of the city code more than a decade after a state Supreme Court decision invalidated the premise of a similar local law near Pittsburgh — forbidding sex offenders from living within 2,500 feet of schools, among other places children congregate. Asked about

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We’ve received a lot of positive feedback to our announcement of the billboard project. It was a lot more work than expected, but so is everything we’ve been trying to accomplish, so what’s the difference? We currently have three digital billboards running. Many of you have asked where you can find them, but we would like to let them run

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