Are Sheriff Grady Judd’s sting operations effective in reducing sex crimes in Polk County?

Polk County has announced that over two dozen arrests were made in an undercover sting operation.  Detectives posed as children on social media platforms and online dating sites. Could there be a better way to reduce the number of future sex crimes that would be more cost effective and not destroy so many people’s lives? According to a National Institute

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Did the California Department of Corrections deliberately place a serial killer in with an inmate who had committed a sex offense?

In a central Californian prison, a convicted serial killer was placed in a cell with an inmate who had sexually assaulted a child. The serial killer pled guilty to killing five men and injuring seven others.  Before that, he killed his aunt and uncle and then began attacking people in two cities by bludgeoning his victims with bolt cutters and

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What is usually the first thing that law enforcement does in looking for a missing child? Visit people forced to be on the registry.

A child has gone missing in Hernando County, Florida, after the mother fell asleep. Sheriff Nienhuis said that his deputies visited “sex offenders” in the area and did not find any sign of the child.  Law enforcement never does, but for some reason they feel this makes their efforts look good in the eye of the public. This Sheriff Nienhuis

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Mr. Meade, please help Florida’s two excluded groups regain their voting rights, too.

While we are called the United States of America, when it comes to the voting rights of people who have been incarcerated, we are anything but united. Florida Governor DeSantis, along with funding from the legislature, created Florida’s new Office of Election Crimes and Integrity, while 21 other states automatically restore voting rights after release from prison. Washington state passed

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Why Do We Treat Sex Crimes Differently Than Other Violent Crimes?

According to, Aya Gruber, a law professor at the University of Colorado, asks readers to take a second look at how we treat sex crimes. Gruber feels that “treating sex crimes differently than other crimes is not natural or neutral but rather has a political history that should be examined.” “I’m kind of saying to people, you think that

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U.S. Needs To Focus More on Prevention To Stop Child Sexual Abuse

In “A Report on the High Cost of Sex Offender Incarceration” by Elizabeth J. Letourneau and Travis W. M Roberts, a research paper published with their colleagues at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the “focus was on the cost of incarcerating adults convicted of sex crimes against children in the United States.” Their study found that the

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Amazon sued over refusal to hire California sex offenders

According to Reuters, a class action lawsuit has been filed against Inc and a background check provider, Accurate Background Inc, claiming they illegally used a California sex offender website to conduct background checks on job applicants. “Megan’s Law prohibits employers from denying jobs to applicants because their names appear on the website unless they do so to protect a

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Guy Hamilton-Smith: How Can You Tell When the Government Is Lying?

SMART (Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking) commissioned a research brief based on fallacies, doing its best to dismiss the research that casts doubt on various aspects of the sex offense registries. This research brief has ignored some of the most compelling research that has come out in the past decade, with one being the 2021

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Lawmaker looking for ways to prevent sex crimes against children

Finally, there is a lawmaker in Louisiana who is looking for ways to prevent sex crimes against children rather than wait for the crime to occur and then incarcerate, incarcerate, and incarcerate.  A lawmaker is actually thinking of being proactive rather than reactive. But her decision was only made after her horrible bill of using surgical castration failed.  It faced

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State voting records show 22 people convicted of felony sex offenses voted in 2020 general election in Duval County – But Was It Really a Crime for Them?

The Jacksonville, Florida, New4JAX I-TEAM found that most of these 22 people registered soon after Amendment 4 passed, an amendment that restored voting rights for some people with a past felony. Blair Bowie, senior legal counsel at the Campaign Legal Center in Washington, D.C., said, “Confusion around whose voting rights have been restored and whose haven’t been is absolutely rampant.”

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