Connecticut residents added retroactively to the sex offender registry seek relief

Throughout our nation, there are some legislators who are beginning to listen to the research, but there are still too many who refuse to listen to the truth, particularly in an election year. Individuals whose sex offense in Connecticut was committed before the registry was instituted are asking their state legislators to allow for their removal from the registry. The

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Hernando County members on sex offender registry continue to inform officials

Thanks to two county coordinators in Hernando County, some improvements were made to the ordinance that was passed this past January.  But unfortunately, the sheriff’s office was still using the originally-passed ordinance that did not contain the new language for the revised ordinance passed in July. Another member in Hernando County set out to right this wrong once he saw

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Extremely Misleading Massachusetts and Maine Report on Recidivism

The recently-released report “Recidivism Among Sex Offenders in Massachusetts & Maine” shows how statistics can be slanted to make people believe whatever you want them to believe. According to, “The report was funded by a Bureau of Justice Statistics grant, in order to provide policy makers with empirical data on a critical issue of public safety – sex crimes

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First published at NARSOL: Awesome victory in Montana

By Larry of NARSOL On June 14, 2023, a court decided the question of whether a “retroactive application of the Sexual or Violent Offender Registration Act violated the prohibition against ex post facto punishment in Article II, Section 31 of the Montana Constitution.” Larry says that “states appear to be unable to help themselves, continually piling on more requirements that

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Two Powerful Studies on the Ineffectiveness of the Registry

A bit of good news that came out recently was in The University of Chicago Press Journals, August 18, 2023.  In the published study by Patrick Lussier, Evan McCuish, and Elizabeth L. Jeglic, “Against All Odds: The Unexplained Sexual Recidivism Drop in the United States and Canada,” the abstract includes: “Sexual recidivism rates reported in American studies have been low and

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Some good news

Earlier, our Call to Action for Volusia County was updated to let members know that the ordinance that was to be drafted, which would have raised the 1000-foot residence restriction in the unincorporated area to 1500 feet for people labeled by the state as predators, was withdrawn from the July 11 meeting agenda.  This was after members had contacted the

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