Crestview passes sex offender ordinance based on incorrect information

At the Crestview Council meeting on September 25, 2023, one of the members quoted from a 2019 government study, saying that 67% of “these people” will be arrested again within 9 years, with the implication being for another sex offense.  The study that was cited was the 2019 Bureau of Justice Statistics report “Recidivism of Sex Offenders Released from State

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Video of Crestview City Council Members’ Discussion of Sex Offender Ordinance

On September 25, 2023, the Crestview City Council voted 3 to 1 in favor of a sex offender ordinance that will expand the residency restriction from the state’s 1000 feet to 1500 feet from schools, day care facilities, parks, playgrounds, SCHOOL BUS STOPS, and COMMUNITY CENTERS. Councilman Bullard is to be commended for not supporting this ordinance because of some

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New Smyrna Beach not truly committed to ending homelessness

Brenno Carillo with the Daytona Beach News-Journal says that homelessness in New Smyrna Beach has become a growing issue.  The city’s solution is to partner “with Daytona Beach’s First Step Shelter to offer temporary housing and rehabilitation services to willing homeless people.” If you are on the sex offender registry, they will not help you; therefore, New Smyrna Beach is

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Changes made to St. Johns County sex offender ordinances

Because of the courage of some individuals on the sex offender registry in Jacksonville and the help of a great attorney, Duval County is no longer requiring the unconstitutional posting of the Halloween signs.  At least four other counties have also made changes to their ordinances concerning the posting of these signs.  Even though the changes are not perfect, they

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CALL TO ACTION: Proposed Sex Offender Ordinance in Crestview City, FL

Major Concerns: On September 11, the Crestview City Council voted unanimously to approve a draft of a sex offender ordinance that would change the residency restrictions from the state’s 1000 feet to 1500 feet within the city of Crestview, Florida. This ordinance includes school bus stops, schools, parks, playgrounds, child care facilities, and community centers. The second and final reading

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Crestview City Council is trying to expand the state’s 1000-foot residency restriction to 1500 feet for sex offenders

The first reading and vote on the proposed ordinance for Crestview, Florida, that would extend the residency restrictions to 1500 feet were completed on September 11.  The vote was unanimous to move forward with the ordinance.  The second reading and final vote will be on September 25. Council member Ryan Bullard talks of making living in Crestview City for future

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Federal judge rules that Connecticut’s requirement for sex offenders to provide internet identifiers is unconstitutional

After a convicted sex offender who lives in Connecticut was arrested for not providing his email address to the state police, he filed a federal lawsuit. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Alker Meyer ruled that having to provide internet identifications is unconstitutional. The judge states, “Despite the fact that the disclosure law has been in place for more than 15 years,

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