CALL TO ACTION:  Volusia councilman continues to push for drafting a sex offender ordinance

Some policy makers are starting to listen to the concerns of registered citizens and their family members.  Now is not the time to let up but to continue to be strong as a united force.  In the past, proposed restrictions or laws would pass immediately without pause or discussion…but no more.  We are seeing change happen in county and city

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CALL TO ACTION: Contacting Florida Legislators to Make Changes so That People on the Sex Offender Registry Can Receive Long-Term Health Care

Major Concerns: The need for nursing home care for people required to register is beyond a crisis state – it is catastrophic. Most nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and rehab facilities in Florida are not accepting people on the registry. The two major reasons are: (1) residency restrictions and (2) facilities will not accept people on the sex offender registry.

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Volusia County Council member meets resistance with his sex offender ordinance

We sent out two Calls to Action this past June for Volusia County’s proposed sex offender ordinance.  The proposed ordinance was withdrawn, and it appeared to have quietly died.  This was not the case, though, as the sponsor brought it back recently with a vengeance.   This council member calls it “Common sense legislation” – increasing residency requirements in unincorporated areas

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Tampa residents do not understand the root cause of the clustering of people on the sex offender registry

At the October 19 Tampa City Council meeting, Dr. Bryanna Fox, a professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of South Florida, was able to help the city commissioners understand that SORN is a complete failure. But unfortunately, the council members do not understand that the state residency restrictions are what is causing the clustering problem.  Some council

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Emily Horowitz’s new book:  From Rage to Reason – A must read for our policy makers

This summer, FAC wrote a post on Horowitz’s new book, From Rage to Reason, describing the narratives used in the book to document the failures of the registry and its accompanying laws. Having read the book myself, I know that these are stories that need to be read by our policy makers, whether it be city/county commissioners, state legislators in

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Press Release – FAC President addresses UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva

Here is the Press Release FAC is in the News once again, this time in the global spotlight.  We give special thanks to attorney David Peery of Miami Coalition to Advance Racial Equality (MCARE)  for connecting FAC to the Human Rights Task Force that organized the visit, presentations, and meetings in Geneva Switzerland last week. Thank you to everyone who

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FAC President Speaks to UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva Switzerland

Today, our FAC President Gail Colletta addressed the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Geneva Switzerland to call out the United States’ failure to address the inhumane Registry scheme and specifically the practice of allowing states to create Sex Offender Residency Restrictions (SORRs).  Gail had only two-minutes to define the problem and ask the UN to hold the United States accountable

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