Illinois Supreme Court Considers Constitutionality of Lifetime Registration

The Illinois Supreme Court has heard a case to determine if the state’s sex offense registry’s lifetime registration is constitutional.  The case involves a man convicted in 2003 of a sex crime.  With no additional criminal charges since then, his greatest challenges have been living with registration requirements and residency restrictions.   Getting straight to the issues everyone forced to

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Sometimes our most powerful tool is the story of one person who is labeled as a sex offender

We want the public and our policy makers to be informed of the research to make the most effective decisions possible. Equally as important is the individual story.  Sometimes these stories can bring about results that no amount of sharing research can.  One such case recently occurred in Volusia County at a regular council meeting. One council member continues to

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Law enforcement paying attention to “sex offender” scams

By Sandy Rozek First published at By Sandy . . . For years telephone scams targeting persons registered on their states’ sexual offender lists have plagued registrants in half, possibly more, of our states. NARSOL first was alerted to this in 2018 and in turn did everything we could to get the word out. We posted multiple pieces over several years

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Washington State Sex Offender Policy Board recommends treatment over prison for child pornography crimes

Last year, the Washington (State) Sex Offender Policy Board recommended to their State Legislature that those convicted of child pornography and of internet stings be sentenced to treatment and not imprisonment.  The Board cites 82% of child pornography convictions are for first time convicted people and that child abuse has declined 64% in the last 30 years as what caused

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Court challenge in Florida concerning branding driver license with SEXUAL PREDATOR

Attorneys Dante P. Trevisani and Ray Taseff with the Florida Justice Institute have filed an injunctive and declaratory relief request for plaintiff who is being forced to acquire and display a driver license that brands him as SEXUAL PREDATOR and broadcasts the government’s message that he is a danger to the public. The Florida statute that requires the branding of

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