VM Ybor City civic association complains of concentration of sex offenders in their community

The VM Ybor City civic association has vocally complained about the concentration of persons forced to register living within their community.  The figures cited in the story suggests that the broader City of Tampa has only 1 person forced to register per 311 residents, but this neighborhood has a concentration of 1 person forced to register for every 28 residents.

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Federal Class Action lawsuit against Tennessee Sex Offense Registry for Ex Post Facto

A group of eight individuals forced to register filed a Federal lawsuit seeking relief from the Tennessee Sex Offense Registry.  Judges ruled in 2021 that the 2004 changes to Tennessee’s registry were punishment and unconstitutionally ex post facto for a person whose convictions were prior to then.  Recent rulings affirming these rulings were made to benefit single individuals.  That would

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Autism Innocent Project: Decriminalize Developmental Disabilities

Florida Action Committee received a request from Decriminalize Developmental Disabilities (D3, formerly LRIDD) to share the Autism Innocent Project.  They are seeking mothers and fathers with autistic or intellectually disabled sons and daughter affected by the criminal justice system to participate in a “selfie” style video for an awareness campaign. Below are their instructions for submissions.  Email finished video or your questions to

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SMART says the grant money awarded for state sex offender registries is not affected by the number of people on the registry

It has been thought by many of us that the larger the state registry, the more grant money a state will receive.   Almost a year ago, FAC reached out to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland with the U.S. Department of Justice to inquire about Florida’s bloated registry since less than half of the people on our registry live in Florida

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Our courts’ inhumane treatment of people with cognitive impairment or intellectual disabilities on the sex offender registry

Lenore Skenazy with Reason.com recently had an article published, “Disabled Man on Sex Offense Registry Pardoned by Illinois Governor.”  An intellectually disabled man was placed on the sex offense registry when he had no idea what he had done wrong.  After just over a decade, the governor of Illinois recently gave him a full pardon along with having his record

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Reason.com interview with Meaghan Ybos, president of Women Against Registry

Billy Binion with Reason Magazine interviewed Meghan Ybos, president of Women Against Registry (WAR), for the December issue of the magazine. Meaghan was raped in 2003 with her case being one of the rare ones where the perpetrator was a stranger who broke into her home and raped her. Even with the horror that Meaghan experienced, she knows that the

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