How two county coordinators were able to make changes for the better in their county sex offender ordinance

A Florida Action Committee county coordinator found out about the Hernando sex offender/predator ordinance on February 2, 2023, by reading the Hernando Sun, a local paper.  A Call to Action was posted by Florida Action Committee on February 5, 2023.   The following are just some of the proposals in the ordinance that was passed earlier this year: Would prohibit people

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Mississippians placed on sex offender registry for years for unconstitutional sodomy law

According to Mississippi Today, “Mississippi will have to pay more than $400,000 in attorneys’ fees after the attorney general’s office spent years defending a sodomy law that criminalizes oral and anal sex.” This law was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003.  Yet, this law remained on the books in Mississippi with people being placed on the sex

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No, Chat Room Sting Operations Don’t Violate Wiretap Laws

Guy Hamilton-Smith says, “I think chat room sting operations are bad policing and bad policy. I think that the idea that they’re getting predators off the streets fundamentally misapprehends the nature of the online environment, the impact of the same on people’s psychology, and the ability of the police to leverage that with tactics that are functionally — if not

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Registries are totally ineffective at protecting the public from harm

By Sandy Rozek, board member and communications director for NARSOL NARSOL, the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws, was the first to publish this article. In Raleigh, North Carolina, a 10-year-old girl was kidnapped and murdered by a registrant on the Illinois Sexual Offender Registry. We are all appalled at this heinous crime, but is the answer to add

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Wildwood man attempts to use pickup to run over registered sex offender

“A 67-year-old Wildwood man has been jailed after allegedly attempting to use a pickup to run over a convicted sex offender.”  (Villages – News, July 16, 2023) Florida’s Marsy’s Law was approved by Florida voters as a constitutional amendment in 2018.  Among other things, this amendment enumerates specific rights to victims of crimes, including the right to “prevent the disclosure

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Zuckerberg Is Keeping the Wrong People off Meta Platforms – Registered Sex Offenders

As a result of a statewide survey of Florida law enforcement agencies that found that 146 out of 271 reported instances of social media platforms used in human trafficking were attributable to Meta platforms, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody is demanding that Mark Zuckerberg explain the high volume of human trafficking across Meta platforms.   Moody stated that these findings were

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Citizens Need To Demand That Florida Defunds DeSantis’ Private Elections-Crimes Unit

The news media continues to keep the public informed of the results of DeSantis’ elections police force, with a big emphasis on its failure.  According to The Brunswick News, “DeSantis office has yet to offer any explanation as to why they singled out just 20 among hundreds of cases of voters flagged due to potential ineligibility – and why others,

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling Gives Hope to Some Sex Offenders on Lifetime GPS

This report from the Wisconsin Capital Times shows what can happen when sex offenders challenge state officials’ personal interpretation of state law. Sometimes courts must step in to point out to the state that the statute means what it says and not what they wish it to mean.  The journalist reporting on this case interviewed not only state officials but

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Should Jalen Kitna Have Been Required To Register as a Sex Offender?

Most people know by now that the attorneys for the University of Florida’s backup quarterback Jalen Kitna cut a deal with the state attorney’s office so that there was no prison time (only 6 months of probation for each of the two second-degree misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct, possibly being released from the second set of probation if he follows

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