Louisiana close to letting judges sentence “sex offenders” to surgical castration

The unthinkable could be soon happening in Louisiana:  Judges being allowed to sentence people who commit certain sex offenses to forced surgical castration.  This would also include women. Senate Bill 371 by Senator Regina Barrow was approved in the House of Representatives in a 74-24 vote.  It needs only the senators’ concurrence in the House floor amendments before it is

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Federal Appeals Court Identifies Parts of Tennessee’s Sex Offender Registry Law Potentially Unconstitutional

While a federal appeals court upheld Tennessee’s sex offense registry law, it acknowledged that restricting where people on the registry can live, work and travel is potentially unconstitutional.  The court said that the plaintiffs had not sued the right people, so the court cannot do anything about it. Additionally, the judges said that categorizing registrants as violent or non-violent sexual

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Update on Louisiana’s forced vasectomy and physical castration bills

Since our Call to Action went out on April 26, 2024, all movement seemed to have stopped for these two bills.   Besides our many FAC members who sent emails to the Louisiana legislators opposing these bills, there were organized groups from all over the country that participated in this email blitz. There was movement on May 15, 2024, with the

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NARSOL Conference 2024

First published at narsol.org   It’s not too late to register for the NARSOL conference in Atlanta, Georgia, June 20 – 23. Go to https://conference.narsol.org/ where you can register, view the schedule of events, and even book a hotel room. Follow the hotel link on the conference website to determine if rooms in the NARSOL block are still available. At this conference, you

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Legal system puts stumbling blocks in the way of “sex offenders” trying to be compliant

In Florida Action Committee’s most recent Weekly Update and Monthly Membership Call, we discussed paper arrests/felonies—when some error or omission in a Person Forced to Register’s (PFR) registration paperwork results in an arrest because of the inaccuracy of the data they reported to their sheriff’s office and, in turn, reported to FDLE. We have also had discussions on incorrect information

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Stop the Paper Arrests – Know Your Reporting Requirements

What do we mean by “Paper Arrest?” We also call it a “Paper Felony” when some error or omission in your registration paperwork results in an arrest because of the inaccuracy of the data you reported to your Sheriff office and, in turn, reported to FDLE. That’s right… no contact, no repeat offense, no intentional crime….but rather an oversight on your

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Call to Action for Louisiana’s HB 166 (forced vasectomy) and SB 371 (forced surgical castration for females and males)

What you need to know about HB 166 and SB 371: Louisiana’s House Representative Delisha Boyd is the sponsor of HB 166 which states: “In addition to any other penalties provided by law, any person who is convicted of a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541 may be subject to a vasectomy procedure.” HB 166 has passed the Louisiana

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