Federal Judge strikes Alabama’s restrictions on PFRs living with minor children.

In Henry v Abernathy, a Federal Judge ruled that Alabama’s law restricting PFRs (persons forced to register) from living with minor children is unconstitutional.   The State is enjoined from enforcing that section of the law.     The case describes Alabama’s law (ASORNA) as “the most comprehensive and debilitating sex offender scheme in the country.”   Perhaps unique to Alabama

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Legislative Session Help

The 2024 Legislative Session for the Florida Legislature convenes today, January 9.  Last spring’s session was very active with a few proposed laws that were extremely harmful to this community.  With tremendous assistance from you, the Florida Action Committee was very successful in advocating to prevent those bills from passing.    That success can never be taken for granted.  

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New International Travel Guide for PFRs

In addition to ferreting through government websites, the Registrant Travel Action Group (RTAG) was a primary aggregator of information for those persons forced to register (PFR) seeking to travel internationally.  It has been a year since RTAG posted updates.  If someone is preparing to travel now, the information they seek needs to be accurate in the present.      A new

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A Demographic Review of Florida’s Registry

A review of December data on the Florida Registry shows the following: Total Individuals On the Registry 85,224 100% Absconded 1,108 1.3% Civil Commitment 508 .6% Confinement 19,606 23% Deceased 1,058 1.2% Deported 3,526 4.1% Citizens Forced to Register (59,418) Don’t reside in Florida 30,492 35.8% Reside in Forida 28,926 33.9%       A further breakdown of the 28,926

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Canadian Journal of Criminology and Justice: In time, the general population poses a similar risk of a first time sexual offense as a PFR poses of re-offense.

A new study provocatively titled, “There is No Such Thing as Zero Risk of Sexual Offense” declares that neither the general population nor the population of PFRs (Person Forced to Register) can be determined to be risk free from the occurrence of a sexual offense.     Acknowledging that many studies show low rates of recidivism by PFRs, or qualify those

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Federal Case Challenges SORNA on Due Process and ADA violations

In the US District Court in the Eastern District of Louisiana, Greenwald v Cantrell, et al poses fascinating, real world challenges to the unending limits of SORNA.     The individual involved is a PFR who suffers from seizures to such extent that she has been declared to be an “unrestorable incompetent.”  This health condition caused her to be unable to

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Compulsory Password Disclosure at the Supreme Court

Courts have long been divided over the ability of judges and warrants to compel an individual to disclose the password or passcode to their cell phone, and other hand-held devices.     The power of search which can convert thoughts as expressed through online exploration and queries plus financial, personal, social, location history, and all other aspects of someone’s life can

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On our own

Three un-related reports were recently published that collectively reflect the common frustrations persons forced to register share.  They amplify the simple message that whatever gains are sought, they will only come by fighting the fight together.     The CATO Institute just published their Human Freedom Index which compares liberty and freedom country by country.  The categories covered convey the ability

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Altamonte Springs proposes ordinance to punish homelessness

According to this article, Altamonte Springs seemingly has issues with a single homeless person, so they are proposing an ordinance to punish all those who are homeless and may encounter certain public spaces.   Other articles suggest this issue is broader with general homelessness growing and requiring a solution.   While the City seems to provide shelter space for many

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