TX: New laws take effect

They say everything is bigger in Texas. I don’t know about everything, but the penalties for sexual-related offenses are certainly getting bigger in Texas. Starting next week (9/1/2021) Texas will be the first state to charge persons soliciting prostitution with a felony! HB 1540 now makes soliciting a prostitute punishable by six months to two years in jail! And if

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Twitter and child pornography

A federal judge ruled Twitter is immune from liability on all but one of two boys’ claims stemming from the posting of sexually explicit videos made of them when they were 13 years old. The Communications Decency Act shields the social media platform from liability on all counts except on their claim under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act that

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Kenneth Petty sues to be removed from sex offender registry

Kenneth Petty, famous for being married to singer Nicki Minaj, is suing the State of New York to get his name removed from the State’s sex offender registry. The lawsuit, filed yesterday in Federal Court, alleges that Petty was added to the registry without being afforded any opportunity to challenge his placement in violation of his due process rights. There

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A bit of a setback in the 7th Circuit as en banc panel partially reverses earlier decision.

Here’s a case we’ve been following for a while… In January, we originally reported a victory in Indiana, after the 7th Circuit upheld a District Court decision that ruled in favor of a group of persons with past sexual offense convictions who move to Indiana and were forced to register, where they would not have to had they been convicted

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Response to “misinformation” allegation.

It was recently brought to our attention that FAC was “called out” in a YouTube video for allegedly posting an article containing misinformation. While we don’t want to link to the YouTube video and give it unnecessary promotion (especially since he likened FAC to QAnon), we did want to acknowledge this person’s opinion and briefly respond to the general allegations.

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Want to find more workers? Make it easier to hire people with criminal records.

The U.S. economy seems poised for revival, but “help wanted” signs that keep popping up in windows across the country tell a different story. With millions of positions going unfilled each month, it’s clear that our recovery won’t work unless it works for everyone. And yet for decades, an entire population of our labor force has been overlooked and undermined:

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The New “Crime Wave” Panic and the Long Shadow of John Walsh

The U.S. spends nearly $300 billion annually on policing, the courts, incarceration, parole, probation, and related projects—more than the military budget of any nation apart from the U.S. It is not unusual for a major American city to spend 30 to 40 percent of its annual budget on policing. These expenditures have been legitimated through decades of anti-crime fearmongering by elected officials and the media.

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Reason: Former Staffers Condemn Cruel Treatment of Inmates at a Texan Prison for Sex Offenders

For many men serving time for committing sex offenses in Texas, their prison term never really ends—even if they complete their sentence. That’s because they’re required to enter a live-in mental health facility before returning to society. That facility—in Littlefield, Texas—is actually a former maximum security prison in the middle of a dirt field. “It comes as a surprise,” says

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