Member Submission: Schadenfreude

I recently discovered this word, schadenfreude. A German word whose meaning is defined as the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. I have a friend, currently in a Tennessee jail, who I have previously written about. He was accused of possessing child pornography. He denies having

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CA: Sex offender in Marin County will be turned out on streets; unlikely allies say thatā€™s not safe

A 68-year-old registered sex offender has no time left on his stay at a Marin County hotel and his case manager is making an unusual plea for someone to house his client so that he doesnā€™t have to sleep in a tent under a freeway. “The day I get released, Iā€™m supposed to be on the street with diabetes,” said

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ACSOL: New Report Finds IML Negatively Impacts Mobility of Registrants

The International Meganā€™s Law (IML) has negatively impacted registrantsā€™ mobility across five dimensions, according to a newly released academic report.Ā  The dimensions are legally, bureaucratically, societally, subjectively and relationally.Ā  An advanced copy of that report can be viewed using the link below. According to the 200-page report, the IML is one part of a U.S. sex offence apparatus that continues

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Hamilton County judge on special panel hearing challenge to Tennessee Sex Offender Registry law [WITH FAC COMMENTS]

Hamilton County Criminal Court Judge Barry Steelman has presided over criminal trials in Chattanooga for nearly a quarter century. But now, after a Tennessee Supreme Court temporary appointment made last week, the former assistant prosecutor [INTERESTING… A FORMER PROSECUTOR]Ā  will serve a stint on one of the state’s new, special three-judge panels created by state lawmakers earlier this year to

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ACSOL: Court Stops First Challenge to CA Tiered Registry Law

A judge in Sacramento Superior Court today stopped the first challenge to the Tiered Registry Law.Ā  The action was taken during a virtual hearing held before Judge Shama Mesiwala. The case in question involved a challenge to the assignment of individuals convicted of Penal Code Section 288(c)(1) to Tier 3, the highest tier.Ā  The basis of the challenge was the

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NC: North Carolina court restores the vote to 56,000

A three-judge state court in North Carolina has ruled that stateā€™s felony disenfranchisement law unconstitutional as applied to individuals under supervision in the community, immediately restoring the vote to some 56,000 individuals. The decision means that in 24 states and the District of Columbia individuals convicted of felonies and serving a sentence in the community may vote.Ā  North Carolina is

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CT: Committee Considers Sex Offender Registry Changes

A subcommittee of the state Sentencing Commission is working to create a process to allow certain individuals to be removed from the public sex offender registry. After at least two attempts to reshape the law regarding people who have committed sex offenses, the General Assemblyā€™s Incarceration and Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction Subcommittee will hear a presentation Thursday on two

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