Colorado’s Sex Offender Laws Create ‘Endless Punishment’: Critics

Critics of Colorado’s sex-offender registration system charge it demoralizes and endlessly punishes people who genuinely want to be better, reports the Denver Post. They claim the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), a 25 member group which sets rules for evaluation, treatment and monitoring of sex offenders, teaches offenders to see themselves as incurable monsters’ decades after their offenses at the

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You are Encouraged to Attend Legislative Delegation Meetings

A Legislative Delegation is a nonpartisan group from the Florida Senate and House of Representatives who represent a specific area in Tallahassee.  Each Florida Senator and Representative of the Florida House are assigned to at least one Delegation.  Usually, their first meeting is a Planning meeting for organizing, scheduling and coordinating all delegation meetings, and developing the delegation’s legislative program

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Member Submissions

For many of our members, life feels hopeless on the registry and rightly so, but some of our members have survival tips that they would like to share with others.  These tips will possibly be of no help to some members, but for the sake of those who could benefit from reading how others have been able to improve their

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A Culture Without the Possibility of Redemption Is a Toxic Culture

We’ve reached a dangerous moment in our culture where we assume a frozen ideal, a state of arrested development, from which no growth or improvement are assumed possible. Because growth cannot happen without the necessary ingredients of redemption, forgiveness and self-forgiveness. If we’re not allowed to learn from our mistakes, atone for them, become better people, then we can grow

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Former Bureau of Prisons Correctional Officer Sentenced to 24 Months In Federal Prison For Sexually Abusing Inmates

Phillip Golightly, 39, of Quincy, Florida, was sentenced to 24-months in federal prison following his conviction for sexual abuse of a ward while on duty at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee. The sentence, following the defendant’s guilty plea on October 16, 2020, was announced by Jason R. Coody, Acting United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida. Court

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We are going to keep putting these notices out there, because people continue to write in that they are victimized. The FDLE is doing NOTHING to warn persons forced to register that these scams are going on. Other states are at least putting out notices. Sex Offenders Targeted In New Scam In Pennsylvania: State Police  Here’s a transcript of a

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FBI Agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children in Florida

An FBI agent who investigated sex crimes against children has been arrested and charged with multiple sex crimes against children across several states, according to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies said Supervisory Special Agent David Harris was tasked with investigating crimes against children, including child pornography. But in February of this year, he was accused of exposing himself to

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Slammed by staff shortages and ‘desperation,’ some North Florida prisons to shutter

The Florida Department of Corrections will soon close multiple prisons in North Florida, a last-ditch effort to grapple with severe staff shortages, according to a union representative who talked to Corrections Secretary Mark Inch about the move on Thursday. Prison officials plan to shutter Baker Correctional Institution and New River Correctional Institution in the coming weeks, said Jim Baiardi, the

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