“Can’t afford the branding issue”

A recent article from BusinessInsider highlights why it is so difficult for anyone with a history of a sexual offense conviction (or even allegation) to find a job, housing, or integrate into the community. Nobody wants the “branding issue” of being associated with the person.

The article explains this from the context of Rep. Matt Gaetz, who is currently running for reelection. His opponent was quoted as saying, “Trump or DeSantis have not endorsed Matt Gaetz. Have they in the past? Yes. Have they now? The answer is no. And the reason for that is that they can’t afford the branding issue. The branding issue of being associated with a pedophile,”

The quote from candidate Lombardo highlights another difficulty with the “sex offender” label, and that is; everyone thinks it it synonymous with ‘pedophile’ where MOST people labeled “sex offender” are not diagnosed pedophiles, not child molesters and some don’t even have an identifiable victim or victim who is under 18.

Gaetz is presently under investigation for allegedly sex trafficking a minor,

10 thoughts on ““Can’t afford the branding issue”

  • August 11, 2022

    Let’s not forget Nikki Fried is a close personal friend of Matt Gaetz.

    • August 11, 2022

      So is Lauren Book. So is Brevard County Commissioner John Tobia.

      Neither have spoken out about Matt Gaetz, either.

      • August 11, 2022

        These types do not speak ill of each other out of fear of one deciding to spill the beans on the whole group. They get the heat off of themselves by trying to transfer it to someone else. This is what happens when we have a leadership that puts aside the founding principles of this nation and does all it can to gain power and influence…and some $$$ on the side.

  • August 11, 2022

    If someone doesn’t like me, then that is their problem, not mine. I’m not going to lose sleep over someone who doesn’t like me.

  • August 11, 2022

    I agree with Lombardo, DeSantis, and Trump.

    If you are credibly suspected of a sex crime against a minor, your political opponent will ALWAYS use it against you, and you should NOT expect the endorsement of a statewide elected official.

    THIS WILL NOT CHANGE. We could prevail in all our court challenges, find sympathetic representatives in the legislature, soften public opinion, and even bring the registry down, but what the article is describing, will not change. And I don’t think any FAC members wish to see Matt Gaetz’s case swept under the rug. He has not been held to account for his (suspected) actions! Don’t we want him to? Having to face the consequences in the political arena is at least a start, isn’t it?

    I appreciate the increasing volume of original FAC content on this site lately. But this posting doesn’t give the impression of having been thought through. After all, the linked article has little to no connection with the sex offender registry. Except perhaps in our imaginations. Are we reading something into the article that’s not there? (How many times does ‘sex offender’ even appear in the article?).

    Perhaps the point of the posting was to criticize Lombardo’s unscientific use of the term ‘pedophile’. I get that Geatz’s alleged victim does not fit the scientific definition. But so what? His constituents know what Gaetz is under investigation for, and it’s Lombardo’s job to remind them.

    PS FAC you got me to say ‘I agree with DeSantis and Trump’ which doesn’t happen every day. But I agree with their non-endorsement. Were I in their shoes, I would be reluctant to endorse a criminal suspect.

    • August 11, 2022

      I feel like this article was just a discussion on the effects of “branding” not endorsing Trumps or DeSantis’ views. Just about how dangerous branding people can be !

      • August 11, 2022

        This is ONLY about branding – this is not a political commentary AT ALL. If it got derailed we are sorry.

  • August 11, 2022

    I think it’s ok to label somebody if they haven’t been stopped from doing the thing they’re labelled for.

    ‘Pedophile’ may be an unscientific term for Gaetz but also a reminder to voters that you wouldn’t want him getting to know your 17-year-old daughter much less continuing to serve in Congress.

    • August 11, 2022

      Pedophilia refers to those with a primary attraction to prepubescent children. Gaetz and others are often referred to as pedophiles even when they don’t qualify for the label. The term has a very specific definition in the clinical context, but in common usage has devolved to the status of a “dog whistle.”

      I don’t like it when such terms are misused, as they often are with sex offenders. It causes confusion and contributes to the public perception that all sex offenders are the same. Gaetz is more properly termed an ephebophile (attracted to mid to late teens), but that term has less pizzazz and wouldn’t send the dogs running. Notably, the DSM-5 doesn’t list this as a pathology.

  • August 11, 2022

    I think every one of us has lost friends, jobs, associates, neighbors and even churches that “No longer felt it was wise” to be associated with us. Heck sometimes even our own family members want nothing to do with us even decades later.

    The shunning is particularly harmful because if even our own families shun us, how can we expect anyone else to care if we are harmed, shunned or even murdered.


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